Luis Moreno-Ocampo

4 Stories

Emails: Jolie Offered to Be Bait in Trap for Warlord

ICC honcho wanted her to invite Kony to dinner

(Newser) - In a plan that sounds more like a rejected movie script than reality, Angelina Jolie offered to help capture bloodthirsty warlord Joseph Kony by inviting him to dinner, according to leaked emails. In International Criminal Court emails leaked to the French website Mediapart , former chief ICC posecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo...

Gadhafi's Death May Have Been a War Crime

Head of International Criminal Court calls killing suspicious

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's death may amount to a war crime, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said yesterday, adding that he's sent a letter to Libya's National Transitional Council urging it to investigate. "I think the way in which Mr. Gadhafi was killed creates suspicions,...

ICC Takes Custody of Gbagbo

Former Ivory Coast president charged today

(Newser) - More than seven months after his arrest , Laurent Gbagbo has become the first former head of state to be taken into custody by the International Criminal Court. The former Ivory Coast president was today charged with murder, rape, persecution, and inhuman acts, the AP reports. "Mr. Gbagbo is brought...

World Court: Gadhafi Forces Using Viagra 'Like a Machete'

Libyan police accused of gang-raping rebel sympathizers

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's forces have been gang-raping women stopped at checkpoints, using Viagra "like a machete," the chief of the International Criminal Court charges. The court plans to investigate allegations of institutionalized rape of rebel supporters in Libya, Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells CNN . "There are rapes. The issue...

4 Stories
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