gay animals

2 Stories

Only Chick These Gay Vultures Need Is One They Just Hatched

Zookeepers had found the egg on the floor

(Newser) - Two male griffon vultures in a long-standing relationship have successfully hatched an abandoned egg at an Amsterdam zoo, the AP reports. Artis zoo said in a statement Wednesday that keepers who found an egg on the floor of the vulture aviary initially put it in an incubator but later placed...

Gay Birds Just as Faithful as Straight Pairs

Animal relationships are complicated, too, notes UC researcher

(Newser) - Yes, Virginia, there are gay zebra finches, and they're just as faithful to one another as heterosexual pairs. That's what scientists have discovered observing the little birds preen and sing to each other. "The research showed relationships in animals can be more complicated than just a male...

2 Stories