Fred Thompson

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GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Fred’s Closet Has a Big Gov't Skeleton

Thompson lobbied for reactor that leeched taxpayer dollars

(Newser) - Fred Thompson, would-be president, bills himself as a small-government hero, but the southerner once had a way with spending taxpayer bucks. A nuclear breeder reactor planned for the banks of a Tennessee river ran through $1.7 billion in government funds between 1970 and 1983 without ever getting built; Thompson...

Candidate or DA: Thompson Can't Be Both

If he runs, NBC will pull 'Law & Order' episodes

(Newser) - NBC will pull “Law & Order” reruns featuring DA Arthur Branch if the man who portrays him runs for president, the New York Times reported today. The self-imposed ban on those 115 episodes in which Fred Thompson appears would avoid the obligation to give other candidates comparable air time...

Romney Wins Straw Poll
Romney Wins Straw Poll

Romney Wins Straw Poll

Mormon leads Pubs in Midwest

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has won the Iowa straw poll, widely regarded as a colander for presidential hopefuls, the Washington Post reports. Romney beat out a field of conservatives in the non-binding vote in Ames, but left-lilting frontrunner Rudy Giuliani had already bowed out of the race.

From Whispers, GOP Hopefuls Aim for a Roar

Backchannel back-stabbing on rise ahead of Iowa poll

(Newser) - With second-tier candidates sensing that Saturday's straw poll may be their last, best chance to stay in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Iowa is abuzz with whispering campaigns, Slate's John Dickerson says. The homegrown negative ads are a major tool for cash-poor politicians with names like Tancredo, Brownback...

GOP Candidates Play Nice in Iowa Debate

Repubs target Dems with tough talk on war, abortion, Obama

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates were mostly civil to each other in today's debate in Iowa, but they hammered Democrats on foreign policy and taxes. The tensest exchange occurred early, the Washington Post reports, when Sam Brownback accused Mitt Romney’s wife of working for Planned Parenthood. Romney called the charge...

Thompson (Already) Falters
Thompson (Already) Falters

Thompson (Already) Falters

Campaign sinking before it starts swimming

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's White House campaign is in trouble before it has even officially begun, according to the Washington Post's campaign diary. Short of money and minus a manager, the unannounced Thompson is tied for last in the polls with the floundering John McCain.

On Tort Reform, It's Thompson vs. Thompson

Former trial lawyer's record on legal issues far from open-and-shut

(Newser) - He's known for being tough on crime. But as a GOP senator, Fred Thompson voted against legislation to shrink attorney fees and limit malpractice payouts, repeatedly clashing with his own party. Thompson, a probable Republican presidential candidate, previously worked as a trial lawyer himself, and once even argued against government...

So Many Candidates, So Little Electability

Why GOP voters are yawning

(Newser) - Republican voters choose “none of the above” over every announced primary candidate, and their distaste for the GOP field is no surprise, says Salon’s Thomas F. Schaller. Not only is there no heir apparent to Bush—a dubious honor anyway—but each Republican is carrying a critical flaw.

Thompson, Romney Battle Over Flip-Flops

Candidates fight to renounce liberal pasts, denounce each others'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson are in an all-out war to convince right-wing voters of their conservative cred, the LA Times reports. Romney, long dogged by his pro-choice past, has seized on the fact that Thompson once lobbied to ease abortion counseling restrictions, a charge the undeclared candidate first denied.

Is He Really Man Enough?
Is He Really
Man Enough?

Is He Really Man Enough?

New Republic writer challenges the mystique of Fred Thompson's masculinity

(Newser) - The 6’5” movie star almost running for president is thrilling Republicans with his old-school manliness—or at least the manliness of his TV persona. The New Republic’s Michelle Cottle compares the character with the candidate, and argues that the latter doesn't have the fire-in-the-belly his admirers attribute to...

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy
GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

'None of the above' leads Republican hopefuls; Dems heavily favor Clinton

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has the support of 21% of Republicans in a new poll—down from 27% in June, which is bad enough, and second to the most popular option: none of the above. John McCain stands fourth, a notch below undeclared candidate Fred Thompson, in the most recent AP-Ipsos poll,...

Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?
Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?

Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?

Jeri Thompson is smart and sexy—and 25 years his junior

(Newser) - May-December romances are standard in Hollywood—just ask Jack Nicholson—but Fred Thompson's sexy, stylish, 25-years-younger wife, Jeri, has the Beltway all abuzz.   Commentators are wondering aloud whether a “trophy” wife—even one who’s a former GOP spokeperson—will  prove a liability for the almost-declared candidate.

Thompson Disavows Pro-Choice Lobbying

Allegation could mar conservative cred

(Newser) - The Fred Thompson camp vehemently denied a claim today by an abortion-rights advocacy group that he worked as a lobbyist for them in 1991, the Los Angeles Times reports. The  group claims Thompson contacted White House officials as part of an attempt to ease restrictions on abortion counseling at federally...

Senate Post Won Thompson Sons Top Lobby Job$

Access to dad kickstarts kids' careers

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's two sons won lucrative jobs as lobbyists after their father became a Senator, despite having next to no qualifications for the work, the New York Times reports. The information could prove embarrassing to the Thompson campaign as the GOP presidential candidate strives to present himself as a reformer...

GOP Weighs Hollywood Ending for Cheney

Sally Quinn: Thompson offers perfect solution

(Newser) - GOP decision-makers are so fed up with Dick Cheney that they've been searching for a replacement, without much success—until recently. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post, inveterate insider Sally Quinn lays out an ingenious plan: Use heart surgery scheduled for this summer as an excuse to oust the...

Poll Puts Hillary Back in Lead by Double Digits

Obama trailing; McCain drops below Thompson

(Newser) - They were in a dead heat two weeks ago, but a new USA TODAY/Gallup poll out today puts Hillary back in front for the Dem nomination with a double-digit spread over Barack. The red team is also shaking up, with not-quite-official candidate Fred Thompson stealing second standing from John McCain.

Thompson Gains on Giuliani
Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Unannounced candidate polls second, ahead of McCain, Romney

(Newser) - Fred Thompson hasn't even declared his candidacy, but he's already gaining support in the race for the Republican nomination. Rudy Giuliani has the backing of 27% of likely voters in an LA Times/Bloomberg poll reported today, with Thompson just behind at 21%. The poll's director cautions that Thompson "has...

Laziness Rep Dogs Thompson
Rep Dogs Thompson

Laziness Rep Dogs Thompson

The '08 contender's biggest hurdle will be overcoming his indolent image, John Dickerson says

(Newser) - Fred Thompson has declared his intention to run in '08, but to succeed he'll have to get past his longstanding reputation for laziness, writes Slate's John Dickerson. The former senator and "Law & Order" star prefers adages to more strenuous tactics, and that approach could sink the self-styled outsider...

Thompson to Enter '08 Race
Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Actor and ex-senator has GOP royalty in his camp, frontrunners in his sights

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will enter the 2008 presidential race in early July, the Politico reports, bolstered by millions of dollars in contributions and the support of key Republican insiders. The "Law & Order" star and former Tennessee senator, a hard-line conservative, will pitch himself as a steady, consistent presence who...

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