Patriarch Kirill I

3 Stories

Ukraine Reschedules Christmas to Break a Russian Connection

Zelensky approves law designed to strengthen Ukrainian identity

(Newser) - To "abandon the Russian heritage" of celebrating Christmas on Jan. 7, Ukraine is moving the official holiday to Dec. 25. President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the change into law on Friday, USA Today reports. The move further separates the nation from the Russian Orthodox Church, which is led by Patriarch...

Why History Will Happen in Cuba's 'Threadbare' Airport

Plus more on pontiff's historic meeting in Havana with Russian Patriarch Kirill

(Newser) - Pope Francis is joining up with Patriarch Kirill in Havana on Friday, a historic event that marks the first time the head of the Roman Catholic Church is meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, notes NBC News , which outlines all the background behind this "religious rendezvous....

Here's One Reason Russia Is Balking on Syria

Influential Russian Orthodox Church worries about nation's Christians: NYT

(Newser) - So why is Russia digging in so hard against UN action in Syria? The New York Times ' Ellen Barry provides an interesting look at one often overlooked factor: the powerful Russian Orthodox Church. Church leaders oppose action against Bashar al-Assad because they want to protect the nation's Christians,...

3 Stories