Obama 2008

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Is Obama a Radical or Reconciler?
 Is Obama a Radical 
 or Reconciler? 

Is Obama a Radical or Reconciler?

Or Niebuhrian waffler?

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be on the brink of the presidency, but many still wonder whether he’s a closet radical, Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post. He carries a liberal Illinois legislature record, associations with Ayers, Alinsky, Wright, and ACORN, and an “elitist disdain for bitter, God-clinging conservatives,...

Black Voters Hitting Polls Early
 Black Voters Hitting Polls Early 

Black Voters Hitting Polls Early

Early voting big among African Americans

(Newser) - Black turnout isn’t just expected to be high this year; according to early voting records, it already is, the Wall Street Journal reports. African Americans account for 36% of early ballots in Georgia, for instance, despite making up just 29% of active voters. In 2004, blacks represented 25% of...

Obama Fights Robocall With Robocall
Obama Fights Robocall With Robocall

Obama Fights Robocall With Robocall

Wis. appeal decries McCain campaign as 'sleazy,' 'dishonorable'

(Newser) - Barack Obama has robotic telemarketers of his own, and he’s using them to complain about John McCain’s robotic telemarketers. Obama will begin blanketing Wisconsin today with a recorded call from “Jeri Watermolen,” who identifies herself as a Green Bay native who once backed McCain, but has...

London's Mayor Plugs Obama
 London's Mayor Plugs Obama 

London's Mayor Plugs Obama

Dem can restore US as beacon of hope, Boris Johnson writes

(Newser) - After President Bush managed an “astonishing double whammy,” damaging both democracy, via Iraq, and capitalism, on Wall Street—“the two great pillars of the American idea”—London mayor Boris Johnson sees Barack Obama as the candidate who can rejuvenate “the greatest country on earth,”...

Hillary, Obama Blitz Fla. for Early Votes

Clinton, Obama take to the stage together as Dems battle to flip the Sunshine State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton threw herself into the battle for Florida as early voters packed polling places yesterday, the Washington Post reports. Barack Obama, pulling out all stops in an effort to flip the state to the Democratic side, led a crowd of 50,000 in chants of "Hil-lar-y" as the...

Amid Questions, Biden Releases Medical Records

Gaps in VP hopeful's history raise some lingering issues

(Newser) - As questions about the medical history of all four national candidates continue to circulate, Joe Biden released a cache of records today that indicate the 65-year-old VP hopeful is in good health, the AP reports. Like many men his age, Biden takes a cholesterol-lowering drug and has an enlarged prostate,...

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal
Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

And if Obama loses, it'll be for the same reason

(Newser) - If Barack Obama loses in November, the media will surely cite the Bradley Effect, the theory that voters lie to pollsters to hide racial biases. It’s named after Tom Bradley, the black mayor of Los Angeles who lost the 1982 governor’s race in California, despite huge leads in...

Journos Will Look Dumb if Mac Wins
 Journos Will 
 Look Dumb 
 if Mac Wins 

Journos Will Look Dumb if Mac Wins

A few situations that could trigger a McCain victory

(Newser) - If John McCain pulls off a surprise victory, reporters who predicted a landslide for Barack Obama are going to look for head-space in the sand, writes Jack Shafer in the Washington Post—unless they quickly whip off one of these articles:
  • "McCain's Michigan Miracle." When McCain pulled out

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain
 Robocalls Are 
 Legit: McCain 

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain

Defends use of same tactic used against him in 2000

(Newser) - John McCain defended his use of robocalls on Fox News Sunday, arguing his attacks on Barack Obama are different from the slanderous calls that targeted him during the 2000 primaries, Politico reports. “These are legitimate and truthful and they are far different than the phone calls that were made...

Obama Forces Battle for Va.
 Obama Forces Battle for Va. 

Obama Forces Battle for Va.

McCain forced to defend GOP stronghold

(Newser) - Virginia hasn’t swung Democrats’ way since Lyndon Johnson, but suddenly it’s a battleground, the Washington Post reports, and Obama appears to have all the tactical advantages. The Dem has three times as many campaign offices, and his army of volunteers has registered almost a half-million new voters.

Murtha Backtracks on Pa. Racism Jab

Democratic Rep. apologizes for dissing state's west

(Newser) - Rep. John Murtha apologized for saying yesterday that “racist” western Pennsylvanians wouldn’t vote for Barack Obama, CNN reports. “While we cannot deny that race is a factor in this election, I believe we've been able to look beyond race these past few months,” the Democrat said...

Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama
 Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama


Fired-Up Mac Couldn't Land a Punch on Obama

Without a game-changer, Republican strikes out in third debate, and race

(Newser) - John McCain turned in his best debate performance last night but couldn't turn it into the game-changer he needed, Sam Youngman writes in The Hill. McCain was fiercer this time, but he failed to score a direct hit on his unflappable opponent and didn't come up with any new arguments...

McCain to Obama: 'I'm Not President Bush'

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama met tonight in the final presidential debate, their testiest meeting so far on a range of issues from the economy to negative campaigning, NBC reports. McCain pushed back against Obama's attempts to link him to the Bush administration. “Senator Obama, I’m not President...

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain
 Obama Ad Blitz 
 Stifles McCain 

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain

Dem using massive fundraising edge to outspend GOP by as much 8-1

(Newser) - Over the past three weeks, Northern Virginia TV viewers have seen 1,342 commercials from Barack Obama … and eight from John McCain. Obama is dominating the airwaves, Politico reports, outspending McCain and the Republican National Committee as much as 8-1 in some markets, blunting GOP attacks with a sustained...

A Baseball Nerd Turns to Election Stats

Nate Silver was right on the Rays; he's now calling the presidency

(Newser) - Give the sheer number of political polls being produced, and the history of many of them proving wrong, it takes a seriously smart statistician (and something of a nerd) to predict the presidential race with any authority. Nate Silver, the man who "revolutionized the interpretation of baseball stats,"...

Obama Lead Up to 14 Points Amid Mac Attacks: Poll

Poll finds Obama ahead 53% to 14% after McCain blows fail to land

(Newser) - John McCain's flurry of attacks against Barack Obama has done the Republican more harm than his opponent, according to the latest New York Times/CBS poll. Obama now commands a 53% to 39% lead, with voters seeing McCain as running the more negative campaign of the two, the poll found. More...

McCain: I'll Whip Obama's 'You Know What'

Maverick, in Virginia, confident ahead of Wednesday's debate

(Newser) - John McCain plans to "whip" Barack Obama's "you know what" in Wednesday's debate, the Republican told Virginia supporters during a pep talk. But he quickly reminded the swing state volunteers to “conduct a respectful race,” and emphasized that despite "stark differences," he respects...

Clintons Surface for Home Stretch

Powerful pair turn up the campaign heat

(Newser) - The Clintons hit the campaign trail yesterday, stumping with Joe Biden in former Hillary territory in Pennsylvania, reports CNN. Hillary Clinton urged that Democrats "must elect Barack Obama," and warned: “This election is too important to sit on the sidelines of history." It was the couple's...

Mac's 'Aimless' Debating Skills Need Boost: Coaches

Senator struggled to prove his point in last match-up

(Newser) - John McCain needs to sharpen his rhetorical skills before the final presidential face-off on Wednesday, debating coaches tell Politico. Whatever advice renowned trainer Brett O’Donnell is giving McCain, they say, has not helped him avoid pitfalls like looking "aimless" and saying "my friends." Voters polled...

Jolie: 'Obama Would Be Great for My Family'

But it's his positions on issues that 'could move' her to vote for him

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie hasn't officially endorsed a candidate, but Barack Obama's positions "could move" her to vote for him, she tells the German edition of Vanity Fair. His determination to "intervene militarily in genocides abroad and close down Guantanamo Bay" are near and dear to her heart—as is...

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