Humans of New York

4 Stories

Edward Norton Raises $390K for Refugee Whose Story Moved Us

Family is headed to Michigan from Turkey

(Newser) - Lots of people are moved by the stories featured on Humans of New York —but not all of us are actor Edward Norton, who helped raise nearly $390,000 as of this writing for a Syrian refugee family headed to Troy, Mich., from Turkey, Michigan Live reports. Norton says...

Facebook Post Is So Moving, Even Obama Commented

President says story of charitable Iranian boy 'resonated'

(Newser) - President Obama was apparently perusing Facebook yesterday when he came across a post and was so moved, he decided to leave a comment. It's now getting plenty of attention. It appears on the Humans of New York page created by photographer Brandon Stanton, who posts photos of people he...

Clinton to Gay Kid: Your Future Will Be 'Amazing'

Candidate's 'prediction from a grown-up' on Facebook goes viral

(Newser) - It's a common enough sentiment among LGBT youth, who are estimated to be four times more likely than their straight counterparts to attempt suicide: "I'm homosexual and I'm afraid about what my future will be and that people won't like me." So went the...

Site Raises $1M So Brooklyn Kids Can Visit Harvard

'Humans of New York' helps out school

(Newser) - The creator of an uber-popular photography blog about the residents of New York City has helped raise $1 million and counting so kids in a high-crime area of Brooklyn can get a taste of the Ivy League. Brandon Stanton, founder of Humans of New York , set up the Indiegogo page...

4 Stories