Shimon Perez

2 Stories

Madonna Toasts New Year With Israeli Prez

Calls trip 'a dream come true' despite criticism from Orthodox

(Newser) - Madonna enjoyed "a dream come true" yesterday by celebrating the Jewish New Year with Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, the AP reports. She landed last week with husband Guy Ritchie and a gaggle of Hollywood Kabbalists to attend a conference about Jewish mysticism. "I am an ambassador for Judaism,...

Olmert Gets Assist From Barak, Perez

Old allies pull Israeli prime minister back from brink of disaster

(Newser) - Ehud Olmer's year and a half in office have been a calamity for Israel—the election of Hamas in Palestine, the breakdown of the peace process, the botched war with Hezbollah, the Hamas takeover of Gaza. But the profoundly unpopular PM, whose approval rating sank to 3%, is actually in...

2 Stories
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