
Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev 

Mix Masters Stir it Up in Cocktail Contest

Four special drinks, one judge and lots of jitters

(Newser) - Bartending is a serious business—just ask the four finalists at the US Bartenders’ Guild National Cocktail Competition held in Chicago this year. All four "mixologists" suffered stage fright while preparing their signature drinks for the judge, reports Gourmet. Despite sweating buckets, Las Vegas native Anthony Alba took first...

Reasons You're Losing Snoozes
 Reasons You're Losing Snoozes 

Reasons You're Losing Snoozes

Forbes explains why Americans aren't getting enough sleep

(Newser) - The health benefits of sleep are well-documented, but catching Zs isn't so easy in a society all about hard work and an active lifestyle. Forbes runs down some reasons Americans aren't getting enough quality time with their pillows.
  • Marital problems: A bad marriage makes for poor shut-eye. Happy wives fell

New Yorkers Bolt for Warmer, Cheaper Atlanta

The city's cheap housing and warm climate attracts northerners

(Newser) - New Yorkers are flocking to the southern climes and cheaper housing of Atlanta, but encountering a range of culture shocks, the New York Sun reports. About 40,000 yanks moved to Atlanta between 2000 and 2005, drawn partly by a booming job market, and now some wonder how to move...

Proms' Glitz Blitz Captivates UK Teens

High schoolers embrace pricey US tradition, but some blast 'ghastly import'

(Newser) - Parents and traditionalists alike are feeling the pinch as expensive American-style proms migrate to the UK, the Wall Street Journal finds. Teens crave the stretch limos and extravagant gowns seen in US shows like The O.C. and My Super Sweet 16. But some educators criticize the trend, including one...

Save the Spurmo: Straight, Single Men Face Extinction

Marriage threatens herds of single men

(Newser) - Are you a straight, proud, unmarried man over 30? Then you're part of a dying breed, writes Tad Safran in the Times UK. Dubbed "Spurmos," these endangered bachelors drink in increasing isolation as friends succumb to marriage, wine racks and child-rearing. Having roamed in great herds in their...

'Steampunk' Blends Romance, Technology

Victorian-esque trend celebrates long-gone age

(Newser) - A growing number of youthful romantics, disenchanted with the coldness of contemporary culture, are turning back the clock to a quasi-Victorian age in a movement known as Steampunk, the New York Times reports. Followers of the trend, which one designer calls “the intersection of technology and romance,” celebrate...

How the Rich Can Buy Time
 How the Rich Can Buy Time 

How the Rich Can Buy Time

Why do anything if you can hire someone to do it for you?

(Newser) - Time is truly the currency of the rich, and W offers tips on today's ultimate luxury. How to save a few of those grains in the hourglass:
  1. Delegate: Outsourcing isn’t just for heartless CEOs—pay people to break in your smoking jackets for you.
  2. Don’t bother with books:

Century Mark Within Reach for Many
Century Mark Within Reach
for Many

Century Mark Within Reach for Many

Healthy habits boost chances of living to 100, even with illness

(Newser) - Even people with heart disease or diabetes can hit the century mark if they take care of themselves, two new studies say. The trick for living to 100 is managing illness well enough to stay independent. "It's kind of a threesome: get more years, better years, and better function,...

One Man’s Garbage Is Another's Thanksgiving

Movement fights waste by foraging for food

(Newser) - Folks looking for food in a back alley these days might be “Freegans” - that’s “free” plus “vegan” - who are “opting out of capitalism in any way that we can,” one says. Their New York trash tours have already trained 14,000 people,...

A Fool and His Money ... You Know
A Fool and
His Money
... You Know

A Fool and His Money ... You Know

Everyone has 10 ways to get rich—here are 10 tips for staying broke

(Newser) - Too much money? Here's some much-needed advice from the Consumerist:
  1. Make shopping your hobby.
  2. Don't budget.
  3. Buy your friends gifts you can't afford
  4. Grocery shop hungry, don't bring a list, and buy everything you sample.
  5. Use the ATM at the gas station.

Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev