American media

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Right-Wing Crazy Is All-American
 Right-Wing Crazy 
 Is All-American 

Right-Wing Crazy Is All-American

Birthers, tea parties—it's nothing new

(Newser) - With the left back in power, we’re seeing right-wing "crazies"—the “birthers, tea-partiers, town hall hecklers”—getting louder. But that’s nothing new, writes Rick Perlstein in the Washington Post. In America, “the crazy tree blooms in every moment of liberal ascendancy, and elites...

CNN Kills Ad Ripping Birther Dobbs

(Newser) - A media watchdog ad attacking CNN anchor Lou Dobbs for his "racially charged" support of conspiracy theorists who question President Obama's birth certificate is all set to run tomorrow on CNN. But there's fat chance you'll ever see it on CNN. Five of the six cable providers who sold...

Media Should Learn From Cronkite: Grow a Backbone

Today's press too cozy with Washington

(Newser) - It wasn’t Walter Cronkite’s “avuncular persona” or his reaction to the JFK assassination that made him “the most trusted man in America,” Frank Rich writes in the New York Times—it was his willingness to challenge the halls of power. That’s become increasingly rare...

Forget Best: Colbert Wants to Be Worst

Demands title from Olbermann over sweet-talking email to Mark Sanford

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is a glutton for punishment. Keith Olbermann dished some out to conservative media outlets Tuesday, spanking them for plying Gov. Mark Sanford with email offers of friendly treatment, and awarding them “Worst People in the World” honors. But he omitted Colbert, despite Colbert’s email offering Sanford...

New Site Targets Chattering (and Now Tweeting) Classes

(Newser) - There's been lots of media chatter about, the website Dan Abrams rolled out this morning, most of it sight-unseen, challenging the former MSNBC host's intention to continue to run a media strategy firm alongside the site. Howard Kurtz, one of those critics, now takes a look at the...

Reader's Digest Shifts to the Right

Struggling magazine aims for new niche market

(Newser) - Reader's Digest is no longer going after Middle America, reports the New York Times. Instead, the slimmed-down magazine will be "aiming a little more to the right," hoping to carve out a niche among conservatives, writes Stephanie Clifford. “It’s traditional, conservative values: I love my family,...

Krauthammer Hails Fox News as 'Alternate Reality'

Krauthammer calls network an American treasure

(Newser) - The New York Post awarded Charles Krauthammer a prize yesterday, and the veteran neocon columnist used his acceptance speech to praise "the genius of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes" for the miracle of Fox News. The network "created an alternate reality," he said, offering an alternative to...

Papers Can't Ask for Bailout, Seek Rule Change Instead

Handout would violate journos' watchdog role

(Newser) - With the industry in dire straits, some in the journalism business want government help—but they’re not looking for a financial bailout, Reuters reports. “That is so clearly contrary to what our role is as a watchdog that it’s just not acceptable,” said a former newspaper...

Fawning Press Glosses Over Obama's Agenda
Fawning Press Glosses Over Obama's Agenda

Fawning Press Glosses Over Obama's Agenda

(Newser) - Barack Obama has enchanted the media more than any president this side of Jack Kennedy, writes Robert Samuelson of the Washington Post. A recent Pew study concluded that Obama had enjoyed “substantially more positive media coverage,” than either Bush or Clinton during their first months. “On the...

Playboy on Block for $300M

Hef said to be loathe to part with firm

(Newser) - With the magazine at its heart struggling against the tide of the Internet, Hugh Hefner’s Playboy empire is seeking a buyer for $300 million, the New York Post reports. That’s three times its current market capitalization, but sources say Hef won’t sell unless he can get the...

Hey, Media: US Jails Journos, Too
 Hey, Media: 
 US Jails Journos, Too 

Hey, Media: US Jails Journos, Too

'First duty' of press is to hold own gov't accountable

(Newser) - The American media are celebrating Iran’s release of journalist Roxana Saberi in a case the press doggedly pursued. But today’s back-patting is hypocritical, writes Glenn Greenwald in Salon: the US media have all but ignored foreign journalists imprisoned by our own government, often with little reason. Case in...

Media Let Specter Off the Hook
 Media Let 
 Specter Off 
 the Hook 

Media Let Specter Off the Hook

Didn't he sort of betray voters?

(Newser) - When the Arlen Specter story broke last week, “most journalists assumed the role of handicappers,” writes Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. The value-neutral reporting focused on how powerful this would make Democrats, and what it meant for the wilderness-dwelling Republicans. “Little attention was devoted to this...

GOP Torture Stance Is All Politics, But Media Is Mum

(Newser) - Republican calls for the selective release of memos on torture techniques is a naked political ploy, Greg Sargent writes on the Plum Line. “The emerging official position of the GOP on torture is that the only classified information about torture that should be released is that which can bolster...

Obama Thrives On Disintegrating Media
 Obama Thrives On 
 Disintegrating Media 

Obama Thrives On Disintegrating Media

(Newser) - The White House is watching the old media paradigm disintegrate with just a touch of opportunistic glee, reports Jon Ward of the Washington Times. “There are so many places that are driving the news that, in the end, nothing gets driven,” says press secretary Robert Gibbs. That makes...

Gibbs Has the Ear of Obama
 Gibbs Has the 
 Ear of Obama 

Gibbs Has the Ear of Obama

(Newser) - Press Secretary Robert Gibbs may be best known these days for deflecting harsh questions in the briefing room, but his advisory role in the administration goes much deeper than that, writes Michael Scherer in Time. “There isn't a single decision that the president has formed in the course of...

Post Folds Book Review Section to Cut Costs

Literature reviews will be shuffled into other sections of paper

(Newser) - The Washington Post will print Book World—its stand-alone Sunday section—for the last time Feb. 15 and shuffle its reviews into other newspaper sections to cut costs, the New York Times reports. Book World will remain intact online, run by a previously downsized staff. The closure comes amid a...

Does Carlos Slim Want to Buy the Times?

As dividends dwindle, Mexican billionaire may move in on paper

(Newser) - Last week Carlos Slim, the world's second-richest man, lent $250 million to the New York Times Company—but why does he want 18% of a tanking media outfit? Advertising Age speculates that the Mexican tycoon is playing a long game: The loan is peanuts to Slim, but it puts him...

Inauguration Boosts Newspapers, for a Day

Customers line up to nab front pages covering historic day

(Newser) - The newspaper industry might be in its death throes, but it briefly jolted to life this morning as long lines of people waited at newsstands for souvenir copies of front pages that hailed the inauguration of America’s first black president, the AP reports. In Washington, some editions of the...

Obama Meets With Lefty Media Pundits

Convo with liberals follows dinner with conservatives

(Newser) - Barack Obama recalibrated his bipartisan scale today, CNN reports, meeting with liberal commentators a day after convening with conservative writers at columnist George Will's home. The left-leaners included Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich of the New York Times and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. Obama aides remain mum about both off-the-record...

Gannett Forces Workers to Take Unpaid Leave

Move will avoid layoffs in newsrooms: company

(Newser) - America's largest newspaper publisher will require most of its 31,000 employees to take an unpaid week off this quarter, the New York Times reports. Gannett owns 85 newspapers in the US—including USA Today—that, like much of the industry, are under serious financial duress. The company says the...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>