Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Hillary to Dish on 2016 Race in New Book

Clinton's Simon & Schuster tome will feature favorite quotations, personal essays

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has a lot of plans for 2017, including some reflections on her stunning loss last fall to Donald Trump. The former secretary of state, senator, and first lady is working on a book of personal essays that will come out this fall, Simon & Schuster tells the AP...

What to Expect From Trump&#39;s Inauguration
What to Expect
From Trump's

What to Expect From Trump's Inauguration

It will be a 'special kind of torture' for at least one person on the dais

(Newser) - As Donald Trump is officially sworn in as America's 45th president, his vanquished rival will have an up close and personal view of the proceedings. Hillary Clinton, along with her husband, will stand only yards away from Trump during his inauguration, with cameras trained on her, in what the...

Pre-Election Actions of FBI, Comey, DOJ Under Review

IG Horowitz: Review to see whether agencies acted appropriately on Clinton matters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton complained just days after the election that FBI Director James Comey's 11th-hour letters to Congress about her email scandal just before the election helped bring about her defeat—and now the independent entity tasked with policing the Department of Justice is taking a formal look at...

Clintons Have RSVP'd to Trump's Inauguration

George W. Bush will also be there

(Newser) - For a while there, it looked like Jimmy Carter was going to be the only ex-president at Donald Trump's inauguration . But CBS News reports a spokesperson for George W. and Laura Bush said Tuesday the couple will be attending. "They are pleased to be able to witness the...

And the Year's Most Admired Man Is...

President Obama beats out Donald Trump

(Newser) - The most admired men of 2016: the president and the president-elect. Gallup left the survey question open-ended, and 22% of respondents said they most admired President Obama, followed by 15% who named Donald Trump. Obama has topped the poll nine years running, but Gallup notes this year is his narrowest...

Pantsuit Nation 'Livid' at Founder's Book Deal

Secret Facebook group's members outraged Libby Chamberlain cashing in on their stories

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton supporters flocked to a secret Facebook group during the final weeks of the election, and now the founder of Pantsuit Nation is hoping they'll also flock to pick up her upcoming book based on the group's narratives. The New York Times reports that Flatiron Books will...

Election 2016 Officially Over With Final Vote Tallies

Clinton's final margin in popular vote: +2.86M

(Newser) - Forty-three days after the election, all the votes have finally been tallied and certified. History will show Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump by a final count of nearly 3 million votes, the Hill reports. According to a tweet Tuesday from the nonpartisan Cook Report, Clinton received 65,844,610 votes...

Lawyer 'Appalled' by Warrant FBI Used in Clinton Email Case

Judge unseals warrant used to seize and search Anthony Weiner's laptop

(Newser) - A judge has unsealed the warrant the FBI used to search Anthony Weiner's laptop in connection with the Hillary Clinton email case—and the lawyer who requested its unsealing says he's "appalled" by what it says, USA Today reports. The warrant states that the FBI had "...

John Podesta: Russia &#39;Clearly Intervened&#39;

John Podesta:  
Russia 'Clearly

John Podesta: Russia 'Clearly Intervened'

Also, the FBI contacted him once about his emails—2 days after Wikileaks dropped them

(Newser) - John Podesta continued his assault on the FBI on Sunday, telling Meet the Press that he only heard from the bureau once about his hacked emails—and that was two days after WikiLeaks started dropping them. The timeline, per Podesta: On Oct. 7, the controversial Access Hollywood tape depicting Donald...

Hillary Clinton: Putin Was Getting Revenge on Me

She says grudge after she criticized Russia's 2011 elections led to hacking

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton spoke at a "thank you" party for donors Thursday night in New York—complete with attendees who cried as she spoke, per ABC News —and she says two "unprecedented" events led to her stunning defeat in the election, the New York Times reports. Clinton first...

Podesta: Fix the FBI, and Quickly
Fix the FBI,
and Quickly

Podesta: Fix the FBI, and Quickly

Clinton campaign chair calls out 'deeply broken' bureau in wake of Russia hacks

(Newser) - The chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has taken a long look at the Russian hacking scandal and the FBI's role in dealing with it, and his conclusion in a Washington Post opinion piece on Thursday: The FBI needs a serious overhaul. And what took the entire situation...

One Typo Exposed John Podesta's Email to Hackers

According to a massive 'New York Times' investigation into Russian hacking

(Newser) - A single typo may have changed the course of history. In a massive report on the scale and method of Russian hacking from 1996 to the 2016 election, the New York Times reveals exactly how 10 years' worth of emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chief were used against him....

Hillary Clinton: Fake News Is Now Putting Lives at Risk

She calls it an epidemic

(Newser) - The spread of fake news over the last year is an "epidemic" and "ordinary lives are at risk," says Hillary Clinton. Speaking Thursday at a ceremony honoring retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Clinton joked about her recent reclusiveness and fondness for "taking selfies in the...

In First Interview, Pizza Gunman Admits His Info 'Wasn't 100%'

But he won't say PizzaGate rumors are false

(Newser) - "I just wanted to do some good," says the man who allegedly fired an assault rifle inside a pizzeria in Washington, DC, on Sunday, though he admits he "went about it the wrong way." Speaking to the New York Times , Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, explains he...

Cops: Guy Investigating 'PizzaGate' Fired Shot in DC Eatery

Conspiracy theorists think restaurant is HQ of Clinton sex trafficking ring

(Newser) - Fake news has real consequences, the owner of Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant in Washington, DC, said after a man who claimed to be investigating the "PizzaGate" conspiracy theory allegedly fired at least one shot inside the establishment Sunday afternoon. The Washington Post reports that North Carolina man Edgar...

Meeting of Clinton, Trump Aides Turned Nasty Fast

'You guys are bitter'

(Newser) - The post-election forum at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government has traditionally been a respectful meeting of rival campaign strategists. This year, it's a miracle they didn't start throwing chairs. The forum turned into a shouting match as six Hillary Clinton aides and six Donald Trump aides...

Al Gore Changes His Mind About Electoral College

Get rid of it, he says

(Newser) - The man who would have been the 43rd president if the Electoral College weren't in place thinks it's time to ditch it. Al Gore, who won the popular vote but lost the presidency to George W. Bush in 2000, tells NBC News that he's changed his mind...

Clinton Again Emerges, Makes Katy Perry Cry

Surprise presenter took UNICEF stage to say 'we need champions like Katy now more than ever'

(Newser) - Katy Perry gave a "Roar" to Hillary Clinton in a pre-election concert, and Tuesday night Clinton returned the favor. The ex-presidential candidate showed at UNICEF's Snowflake Ball in New York City, serving as a surprise presenter for the Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award bestowed upon Perry, per the Hollywood ...

Bernie Sanders: &#39;Nothing Wrong&#39; With Recount
Bernie Sanders:
'Nothing Wrong'
With Recount

Bernie Sanders: 'Nothing Wrong' With Recount

Though it's not likely to change anything, he says

(Newser) - Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says "there's nothing wrong with" pursuing recounts to ensure the legitimacy of President-elect Donald Trump's Nov. 8 victory. The former Democratic presidential candidate addressed the looming recount in Wisconsin—and the prospect of others in Michigan and Pennsylvania—Sunday morning on CNN's...

Trump: 'Ridiculous' Recount Is 'a Scam'

Says Jill Stein is lining her pockets, raps Hillary Clinton for not respecting outcome

(Newser) - Donald Trump is not going to keep you in suspense about what he thinks about election recount efforts currently underway: "This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn't even on the ballot in many states,...

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