hunger alleviation

4 Stories

Browns' Lone Win Turns Into Good News for Food Bank

Team gets in on joke, donates to charity

(Newser) - Cleveland Browns fans were looking forward to a "Perfect Season Parade," though that "perfect" season was meant to be perfectly winless, reports NPR . But then the players had to go and ruin everything by winning their Christmas Eve matchup against the San Diego Chargers 20-17, leaving more...

Scientists Work on New 'Green Revolution'

Solving food crisis will depend on a steady diet of innovation

(Newser) - Food scientists are plotting a new "green revolution" to solve a growing food crisis, LiveScience reports. Facing what a World Food Program official called a “silent tsunami” of world hunger, researchers are working on a sequel to the first "green revolution" of the mid-20th century, whose innovations...

35.5 Million Americans Going Hungry
35.5 Million Americans Going Hungry

35.5 Million Americans Going Hungry

Rising costs, stagnant wages threaten even worse news next year

(Newser) - US programs failed to make a dent in the number of Americans going hungry last year, and activists warned that rising costs and stagnant wages threaten to increase the army of citizens struggling to put food on the table. Nearly 13 percent of households—35.5 million Americans, with 12....

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!
Kim Jong-Il
Ate My Giant Bunnies!

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!

And German rabbit farmer is hopping mad...

(Newser) - Karl Szmolinsky sent giant rabbits to North Korea to alleviate hunger, and Kim Jong-Il ate them. The German rabbit farmer suspects that the twelve "German Grey Giants" he sent to the country were eaten at a birthday banquet for the dictator instead of being used in a breeding program...

4 Stories