
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

A Meatball Wins Stray Dog's Love—and Unreal Devotion

Arthur captures hearts of Swedish racers he doggedly follows

(Newser) - If anyone has something to be thankful about this holiday week, it's a stray dog from Ecuador. Earlier this month, Arthur met up with a team of Swedish athletes competing in a 430-mile endurance race in the Amazon rainforest; he graciously accepted a meatball from Peak Performance member Mikael...

Assange: I'm Leaving Embassy 'Soon'

He says 2 years inside has taken toll on health

(Newser) - After more than two years holed up in Ecuador's London embassy, Julian Assange says he will be leaving "soon." In a press conference today—which the Guardian says left people "more flummoxed than enlightened"—the WikiLeaks founder confirmed rumors that he would be departing soon...

Ecuador Volcano Erupts
 Ecuador Volcano Erupts 

Ecuador Volcano Erupts

Tungurahua spews huge column of ash

(Newser) - Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano has spewed a 6-mile column of ash after a powerful, five-minute explosion. Ecuador's geophysics institute said yesterday's blast occurred at 6:10pm local time and was followed by a second, four-minute explosion and five lesser tremors. The 16,480-foot volcano, which lies in the...

Bezos Airlifted Out of Galapagos

Amazon founder hit by kidney stones on New Year's vacation

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos has a rating for his New Year's Day 2014: "Galapagos: five stars. Kidney stones: zero stars," the Amazon founder says in a statement, addressing reports that he had to be airlifted off a cruise ship by the Ecuadorian navy on the first of the year...

Ecuador: Our UK Embassy Was Bugged

'Spy microphone' found weeks ago: foreign minister

(Newser) - More news on the surveillance front—and in a twist, the target is a building housing one of the world's most notorious leakers. Ecuador says it found a "spy microphone" in its embassy, where Julian Assange has been living for more than a year. The country has asked...

Snowden Breaks Silence: Obama 'Using Citizenship as a Weapon'

Publishes first public statement from Moscow

(Newser) - Following a week of silence since he left Hong Kong, Edward Snowden has published a public statement from Moscow, thanking friends and supporters for their help, and accusing Obama of pressuring other leaders to deny him asylum and "using citizenship as a weapon." In the letter published on...

Putin: Snowden Can Stay If...

...he stops 'harming our US partners'

(Newser) - Forget Ecuador ; Vladimir Putin says Edward Snowden can stay in Russia if he's so inclined—on one condition. "If he wants to remain here he must stop his work aimed at damaging our American partners," he said at a news conference, according to RT . "As odd...

Ecuador: Snowden 'Not in Our Hands'

Correa backs farther away, says London consul made 'serious error'

(Newser) - Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa says that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden is "under the care of Russian authorities" and can't leave Moscow's international airport without his US passport. In an interview with the AP this morning, Correa said he had no idea Snowden's intended destination...

Ecuador Starts to Back Away From Snowden, Assange

Its ambassador to the US knocks appearance of Assange 'running the show'

(Newser) - The helping hand Julian Assange is lending to Edward Snowden might be turning into more of a chokehold: The Guardian reports that leaked diplomatic correspondence out of Ecuador shows that President Rafael Correa is somewhat cooling to Snowden's plight and growing weary of Assange. Ecuador's ambassador to the...

Ecuador to US: We Won't Cave Over Snowden

No decision yet, but President Correa cites 'threats, insolence' from Washington

(Newser) - Ecuador is holding firm in its decision to consider Edward Snowden's bid for asylum in the country, and it won't let the US change its mind, President Rafael Correa says. Referring to trade benefits the US provides Ecuador, Correa says: "In the face of threats, insolence, and...

How Is Snowden Traveling Without a Passport?

Ecuador has issued him a special refugee visa

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is quite the jet-setter these days ( when he shows up for his flight anyway )—even though the State Department has revoked his passport. How is that possible? It's because he is, at least as far as Ecuador is concerned, a refugee. Passports, the BBC explains,...

US, China, Russia Brawl Over Snowden

Fight over NSA leaker is going global

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is rapidly becoming one of the biggest one-man international incidents since the end of the Cold War. As the NSA whistleblower, who is believed to still be in Moscow, remains out of sight, angry words are flying between Moscow, Beijing, Quito, and Washington, the New York Times reports....

Feds Have No Idea How Much Snowden Has

Leaker's current whereabouts also a puzzle

(Newser) - Just how much does Edward Snowden know? American officials say that despite revelations in the press, they're not sure how much information about National Security Agency operations he managed to make off with, Reuters reports. Insiders say the number of documents could be in the thousands—and security agencies...

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

 US to Russia: 
 Hand Over 

US to Russia: Hand Over Snowden

NSA leaker is supposed to be Cuba-bound

(Newser) - Edward Snowden spent the night in Moscow's airport and was expected to fly to Cuba today—but American authorities are making it clear that they'd prefer that the NSA whistleblower was enjoying their hospitality instead. In a statement, the National Security Council said it expects Moscow to look...

Ecuador Envoy at Moscow Airport to Meet Snowden
 Snowden Seeking 
 Asylum in Ecuador 

Snowden Seeking Asylum in Ecuador

Foreign minister, WikiLeaks confirm the move

(Newser) - Edward Snowden will head to Ecuador to seek asylum, WikiLeaks is confirming. "He is bound for the Republic of Ecuador via a safe route for the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from WikiLeaks," the group said in a statement today. Ecuador'...

Valedictorian Vanishes on Ecuador Hike With Family

August Reiger was just a few minutes ahead of parents on hike

(Newser) - Just last month, August Reiger graduated as a valedictorian from his Oklahoma advanced studies high school. On Sunday, the 18-year-old National Merit Scholar was hiking in Ecuador during a family vacation with his parents and younger brother when he disappeared. He had gone on ahead by himself, and was not...

Assange: I Could Spend 5 More Years in Embassy

Plus: he's writing a song

(Newser) - As of tomorrow, Julian Assange will have spent one year in the Ecuadorean embassy in London—and he says he can handle five more, according to Ecuador's foreign minister. A lengthy stay is OK with Ecuador, adds Ricardo Patino. British Foreign Secretary William Hague met with Patino yesterday, but...

Ecuador's Very First Satellite Has Very Bad Luck

3-pound cube satellite hits space debris, might be kaput after just a month

(Newser) - Ecuador's space agency achieved a big milestone a month ago when it launched its first-ever satellite into space. Little Pegasus, a cube-shaped device weighing less than 3 pounds, had been happily transmitting photos and playing the Ecuadorean national anthem in orbit ever since—until it apparently smashed into the...

Supermarket Tussle Turns Into Diplomatic Incident in Peru

Ecuador's ambassador removed after fight with women

(Newser) - A brief dust-up at a Peruvian supermarket has become an international incident. Ecuador's ambassador to the country squabbled with women in line, resulting in an exchange of blows. It all began when the women skipped in front of Rodrigo Riofrio in line, say a mother and daughter, per Peruvian...

Ecuador to China Oil Barons: Amazon Rainforest for Sale

Indigenous groups not happy

(Newser) - Tree-huggers will be really displeased to hear this: Ecuador is planning to auction off more than 7 million acres of the Amazon ... to Chinese oil companies. Politicians pitched bidding contracts to oil company reps in Beijing on Monday, the Guardian reports. Needless to say, indigenous groups living on the land...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>