Anna Ayala

2 Stories

'Chili-Finger Lady' Heads to Prison for Another Lie

Anna Ayala lied about son's shooting

(Newser) - A Northern California woman sentenced to four years in prison for planting a severed finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili is going back behind bars for creating another tall tale, this one about a shooting involving her son. The so-called Chili-Finger Lady, Anna Ayala, was arrested in October...

Wendy's Chili Finger Lady: 'I Cooked It'

Anna Ayala is out of prison, barred from chain for life

(Newser) - Anna Ayala, the woman who was sent to prison for pretending she’d gotten a severed finger in her Wendy’s chili, has finally come clean. “I cooked it,” she tells CBS-5 when pressed on how she carried out her crime. After keeping the finger in her freezer...

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