
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Ron Johnson: Why Apple Stores Work
 Why Apple 
 Stores Work 

Why Apple Stores Work

Former boss of stores says it's all about customer relationships

(Newser) - Apple Stores’ success is about much more than Apple products; after all, you can get Macs, iPhones, and iPads elsewhere for less money. What draws customers is the fact that an Apple store is “more than a store to people,” writes Apple's former VP of retail, Ron...

Retailers Ready Black Friday 'Dogfight' on TV Prices

Get ready for 40% price cuts across the board amid weak demand

(Newser) - Planning to score a new TV on Black Friday? Apparently this is the year to do so, as deals are exploding in what one analyst calls a “dogfight” between top US retailers. Last year, some retailers only slashed prices on high-end TVs. This year, expect to see discounts across...

Banks Lose Fight Over Debit Card Fees

Senate fails to delay new rules slicing payments from retailers

(Newser) - The Senate voted today to let the Federal Reserve slice the fees that stores must pay banks each time a customer swipes a debit card, handing merchants a victory over banks in a lobbying battle over billions in revenue. Senators supporting the banks' efforts to head off the proposal fell...

Walmart Suffering Biggest-Ever Slump

Execs admit retail giant lost its way

(Newser) - Walmart is suffering its worst-ever slump in US sales and is widely expected to post more disappointing figures when it reports earnings today. Analysts say the retail giant's woes are the result of its failure to follow founder Sam Walton's formula of providing ordinary Americans with "every day low...

Welcome to Cyber Sunday
 Welcome to Cyber Sunday 

Welcome to Cyber Sunday

Deals are getting earlier, going later

(Newser) - If Black Friday wasn't enough for you, and Cyber Monday seems just too far away, say hello to Cyber Sunday, reports MSNBC. While one Best Buy marketing honcho thinks Cyber Monday remains a "really viable marketing concept," chains including his are getting an early start today, seeking to...

'Christmas' Saviors: We're Winning the War

This year, Dick's Sporting Goods is target of boycott

(Newser) - Dick's Sporting Goods gets the unlucky honor of being this year's villain in the “War on Christmas” campaign. The American Family Association has singled it out for a boycott this holiday season because the chain is “against” the holiday, reports Advertising Age . One of its offenses is having...

American Apparel Hires Must Pass the Ugly Test

Head office asks for head-to-toe pics of all applicants

(Newser) - Resumés come a distant second to looks when retail giant American Apparel is making decisions about hiring and firing, an insider tells Gawker . Under a new policy, store managers are required to submit head-to-toe photos of all job applicants as well as those in line for a promotion or...

Cold Weather Means Hot Demand for Soup, Boots

Plummeting temperatures lead to marketing opportunities

(Newser) - When the weather turns cold, retailers swing into action, targeting ads toward areas where the mercury's dropping—even in normally temperate markets like Florida. “Marketing into a situation that's favorable for your product” is the key, one analyst tells Advertising Age . Take Campbell’s Soup, which uses a “...

Visa Corners Debit Card Market—With Higher Fees

Fees on signature debit purchases boost banks, screw merchants

(Newser) - In a bizarre twist, the intense competition among debit card companies has resulted in a race to higher prices, which benefit banks at the expense of retailers, not to speak of consumers. At issue is whether you sign for that debit purchase or enter your PIN instead—the former costing...

Black Friday Sees Strong Crowds, Picky Shoppers

Early reports suggest a decent start to the holiday retail season

(Newser) - It will take a few days for the Black Friday sales numbers to be crunched, but early indications show a decent, if unspectacular, shopping day. A retailer trade group reported "strong crowds" across the board, notes Bloomberg , with high-def TVs, laptops, winter coats, and those ubiquitous Zhu Zhu hamsters...

Smartphones Become Essential Tools for Shoppers

Retailers scramble to establish presence in mobile marketplace

(Newser) - Today's Black Friday finds about 1 in 5 shoppers—double that for the 18-to-29 age set— using a smartphone to track bargains and compare prices. While the number of those who actually buy using a mobile device is relatively small—at $750 million, such transactions account for only .5% of...

Outlook Bleak for Holiday Hiring

Pessimistic retailers plan to slash seasonal jobs

(Newser) - Retail jobs are expected to be in short supply even as the holiday shopping season approaches, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some 40% of retail chains surveyed say they plan to hire fewer workers this year than they did last year when the recession forced many to cut staffing levels....

Supermarkets Slash Prices

 Supermarkets Slash Prices 

Supermarkets Slash Prices

Deflation stalks the aisles; Safeway cuts below profit point

(Newser) - Americans are getting a big break on the price of food, as the recession drives down the cost of wheat, milk, and other staples, and supermarkets fight feverishly for sales. After a year of dramatic increases, commodities are way down—the price of corn, for instance, is down 56% since...

Michelle Inspires Shoppers—All the Way to the Hospital

Quest for Talbots dress KOs one imitator

(Newser) - Michelle Obama’s taste for off-the-rack clothes has been a boon for retailers—but occasionally hairy for shoppers. The $169 sleeveless rose-print Talbots dress Obama donned for her Essence magazine cover shoot has become the struggling retailer's best-selling item, the Boston Herald reports. And so anxious was one Dallas shopper...

Wal-Mart Guns for Girl Scouts With Knockoff Cookies

(Newser) - Wal-Mart appears to be rolling out cheap knockoffs—well, “Great Value” replicas—of Girl Scout cookies, and that has one former “Cookie Mom” hopping mad. “The exclusivity of Girl Scout cookies is what makes the cookies really sell,” CV Harquail writes on Authentic Organizations. And now...

Wal-Mart Backs Plan to Make Employers Provide Coverage

(Newser) - President Obama has a big new supporter in his push for health-care reform: Wal-Mart. The nation's largest private employer reversed course today and told the White House it supports the idea of requiring large employers to provide health insurance to workers. Most large corporations, along with the US Chamber of...

Retail Exodus Speeds Detroit's Fall

Retailers jump ship as recession, auto industry's collapse hit city hard

(Newser) - The auto industry's woes have sped up the long decline of retail in Detroit, the Wall Street Journal reports. America's 11th-largest city now lacks a single outlet from any national grocery chain downtown. Starbucks has just four stores in the city of 900,000, and as of last week, Motor...

Retail Giants Likely to Shrink in '09

(Newser) - Retailers are fighting to survive in 2009, some more successfully than others. Some 73,000 stores could close their doors by year’s end. Forbes breaks down which chains are shrinking the fastest:
  • Ann Taylor: Catering to working women isn’t so great when unemployment’s at 8.1%. Expected

Wal-Mart Crushing Target
 Wal-Mart Crushing Target 

Wal-Mart Crushing Target

(Newser) - In theory, Target should be thriving in the recession because it's a discount retailer. In reality, it's in a funk, even as rival Wal-Mart flourishes, reports Time. The difference? Target is viewed as a place to buy nice clothes at nicer prices—and right now, nice clothes seem like a...

A Rash of Retailers About to Go Bankrupt

Debt, trimmed consumer spending push retailers to brink

(Newser) - Look for a wave of retailers going bankrupt in the months ahead, reports the Wall Street Journal, as dismal holiday sales take their toll on a business sector that's weak from expanding too fast and taking on too much debt. Lenders who traditionally have supported the segment are pulling back,...

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