Blu ray

12 Stories

Porn Goes Both Ways in HD Format War

Cheaper HD DVD production counters Blu-Ray's victories

(Newser) - The adult film industry cast a deciding vote in the VHS/Betamax tape format wars of the ‘80s, and porn may yet influence the hi-def contest between Blu-Ray and HD DVD, Daily Tech writes. But currently the industry is split between the popular view that the U.S. film industry...

Toshiba Fights for HD DVD Market Share

Price cuts, ad blitz attempt to counter Blu-ray's advances

(Newser) - Toshiba is stepping up efforts to keep HD DVD a contender in the battle between high-def formats, the company said today. Toshiba will cut prices and increase advertising, reports MarketWatch. It's battling rival Sony’s Blu-ray technology, which doubled HD DVD's US sales last year and scored a major win...

Is the Xbox 360 Going Blu?
Is the Xbox 360 Going Blu?

Is the Xbox 360 Going Blu?

"Can't say it's not a bummer,' concedes Microsoft spokesman

(Newser) - Microsoft could be changing roles in the HD wars, as the corporation may consider switching from Toshiba's HD-DVD players to rival Sony's Blu-ray technology in the Xbox 360 if the warning signs of HD-DVD's demise prove true, reports Reuters. The announcement comes in the wake of Warner Bros. last week...

HD DVD Not Dead Yet: Toshiba
HD DVD Not Dead Yet: Toshiba

HD DVD Not Dead Yet: Toshiba

Despite Warner Bros. exit, company says format hasn't lost

(Newser) - Toshiba executives claim the company's HD DVD platform hasn't yet lost the heated format war, despite the recent announcement from Warner Bros. that the studio will release film titles exclusively in the rival Blu-Ray format. Backers of the HD DVD format will exhibit their wares at the Consumer Electronics Show.

Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray
Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray

Warner Bros. Backs Blu-Ray

Future of HD DVD format now in question

(Newser) - Warner Bros. will release new high-def films exclusively in Blu-ray format, the Wall Street Journal reports. The decision marks a major setback for the embattled rival HD DVD format—now adopted by only two studios, Universal and Paramount—and could be a tipping point in the ongoing format war that...

DRM Pirates Get Help From Caribbean

Foreign software gets around copyright protection

(Newser) - Digital rights management technologies are doing more for the profits of software companies than the copyright holders they're supposed to protect, Techdirt reports. The new AACS system was meant to stop HD-DVD or Blu-Ray players from showing protected disks, but hackers easily beat it. Overseas companies are now getting rich...

Price War Moves High Def DVD Players
Price War Moves High Def DVD Players

Price War Moves High Def DVD Players

Competing HD-DVD and Blu-Ray makers drop prices under $200

(Newser) - Sales of high-definition DVD players have been languishing because customers were unwilling to choose one of the two competing formats—Blu-ray or HD DVD. But this holiday season may change that, with retailers dropping prices from upward of $400 to under $200, reports the Wall Street Journal. And Wal-Mart fueld...

Format War Slams HD Forums
Format War Slams HD Forums

Format War Slams HD Forums

Heated Blu-ray/HD DVD feuding halts Internet discussion

(Newser) - The format war between HD DVD and Blu-ray has apparently gotten personal. reports that the AVS Forum—normally a place for top notch audio/visual discussion—has shut down its HD DVD and Blu-ray forums until the end of the week due to intolerable flame wars between fans of...

DVD Format War Has 18 Months to Go
DVD Format
War Has 18 Months to Go

DVD Format War Has 18 Months to Go

Consumers haven't warmed to either contender, analyst says

(Newser) - Blu-ray and HD DVD’s battle to be the lone next-generation DVD format will rage on another 18 months, says a Forrester Research analyst. Consumers, wary of buying another Betamax, are waiting for the dust to settle and prices to fall. Forrester sides with Blu-ray but says the companies backing...

Format Wars Rage in High Definition
Format Wars Rage in High Definition

Format Wars Rage in High Definition

Blu-ray and HD DVD slug it out to become next-gen movie media

(Newser) - Meet the new VHS and Betamax. It’s unclear who’s winning consumer tech’s latest format wars, the Economist explains, but both Blu-ray and HD DVD claim to be the high-def successor to the DVD. The cheaper HD DVD sells more stand-alone players, but Blu-ray sells more disks and...

Paramount Drops Blu-Ray for HD DVD
Paramount Drops Blu-Ray for HD DVD

Paramount Drops Blu-Ray for HD DVD

High-definition format war takes a new turn as player prices fall

(Newser) - The face-off between two standards for high-definition DVDs took a new turn yesterday as Paramount Pictures and its subsidiary DreamWorks dropped support of Sony's Blu-ray format. Starting this week, the studios will distribute new discs exclusively in the HD DVD format, which is supported by Toshiba and functions on less...

Blockbuster Bets on Blu-Ray
Blockbuster Bets on Blu-Ray

Blockbuster Bets on Blu-Ray

It's Betamax all over again as rental giant abandons rival HD DVD format

(Newser) - Movie rental giant Blockbuster picked sides today in the hotly contested battle over high-definition DVDs. Starting in July, Blockbuster will buy all of its new high-def DVDs in Sony's Blu-ray format, a damaging blow to rival Toshiba's HD DVD, which the rental company had stocked jointly until now.

12 Stories
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