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Palestinian President: We'd Let NATO Stay

Abbas says troops could remain in Palestinian state 'indefinitely': Thomas Friedman

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has a security proposal for Israel: Work with us to establish a Palestinian state, and NATO soldiers can remain in it "for a long time, and wherever they want." In an interview with the New York Times ' Thomas Friedman and Jodi Rudoren, picked...

Stop Treating 'The Butcher of Beirut' Like a Saint

Rashad Khalidi lived through Ariel Sharon's onslaught

(Newser) - Ariel Sharon's death has brought on a bout of hagiography. The American and Israeli media will call him "controversial," but then call him a hero. Joe Biden praised him for his pursuit of peace yesterday, while Henry Kissinger terms him a "peacemaker" in today's Washington ...

Mystery Deepens Around Diplomat's Explosive Death

Palestinians release conflicting statements about the safe

(Newser) - The plot thickened today around the mysterious explosion that killed Palestinian ambassador Jamal al-Jamal in Prague. Initially, reports had indicated that Jamal had opened a booby-trapped embassy safe—one that the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said hadn't been opened in more than 20 years. But an embassy spokesperson has since...

Israel Frees Palestinians in US-Brokered Deal

PM Netanyahu takes heat from political right and left alike

(Newser) - Israel has released more than two dozen Palestinian prisoners convicted in deadly attacks against Israelis as part of a US-brokered package to restart Mideast peace talks. After departing on buses from Israeli jails overnight, the prisoners received hero's welcomes upon their return to the West Bank and Gaza with...

UN Cultural Agency Halts US Voting Rights

Israel's voting rights also suspended over failure to pay dues

(Newser) - The US failure to pay its dues has cost Washington its voting rights with the UN's Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. The US and Israel stopped paying in 2011, after Palestine was allowed to join the agency; any country that stops paying for two years loses its right to...

Arafat's Body Loaded With Radioactive Poison: Study

Scientists 83% sure he was poisoned with polonium

(Newser) - Yasser Arafat 's recently exhumed body contains at least 18 times more radioactive polonium than the average person's, the Swiss scientists examining his corpse have concluded. In a 108-page report, obtained by al-Jazeera and shared with the Guardian , scientists say they're 83% certain that Arafat was...

John Kerry: Israel's Settlements Are 'Illegitimate'

Netanyahu says he's 'concerned'

(Newser) - John Kerry threw a rhetorical jab at Israel, rebuking it for its latest round of West Bank settlement construction, after meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem today. "Let me emphasize that the position of the United States is that we consider now, and have always considered, the...

Palestine: No Peace Talks After Fatal West Bank Clash

Israeli soldiers killed 3 Palestinians outside Jerusalem

(Newser) - A Palestinian official says planned peace talks with the Israelis scheduled for today have been called off following a deadly clash in the West Bank, in which Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians during clashes outside Jerusalem. The official says the Palestinians decided to postpone today's meeting to protest the...

Kerry Convinces Israel and Palestine to Resume Peace Talks

Netanyahu and Abbas agree to start talks again tomorrow in Washington

(Newser) - Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will resume long-stalled direct peace talks tomorrow, according to the State Department. It says both sides have accepted invitations from John Kerry to come to Washington "to formally resume direct final status negotiations." A department spokesperson says Kerry called Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas...

Newest Arab Idol Is Palestinian Refugee

Politics takes center stage on a very different version of 'Idol'

(Newser) - For all the tears shed by American Idol contestants over their emotional "journeys" and "struggles," America's wannabes have nothing on the winner of this year's Arab Idol: 22-year-old Palestinian Mohammed Assaf, who grew up in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. He had to...

Kerry's Peace Plan: $4B West Bank Boost

Private cash will drastically cut unemployment, he says

(Newser) - John Kerry has unveiled a plan to get Israeli-Palestinian peace talks moving—and the West Bank economy bustling—with a $4 billion injection of private sector funds. (The money wouldn't come from US taxpayers, but the State Department shed little light on the companies or kinds of investments involved....

Palestine Is Now Recognized by Google

Tag changes from 'Palestinian territories'

(Newser) - The UN recognized the state of Palestine last year, but there's probably some Palestinians who think this latest convert might be more influential: Google. The BBC notes that the search engine has changed the tag on the home page of its Palestinian edition to read "Palestine" instead of...

Palestinian PM Resigns After Bitter Dispute

Departure could spell trouble for President Abbas

(Newser) - Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad resigned today, leaving the Palestinians without one of their most moderate and well-respected voices just as the US is launching a new push for Mideast peace. A statement from the official Palestinian news agency Wafa said President Mahmoud Abbas met with Fayyad late in the...

LAX Didn't Believe Foreigner Was Oscar Nominee

Michael Moore says he intervened to help Emad Burnat clear customs

(Newser) - Emad Burnat is nominated for Best Documentary for his film about the Palestinian protest of an Israeli security fence in the West Bank, 5 Broken Cameras—but he didn't have an easy time of it yesterday when he entered the US to attend Sunday's award ceremony. According to...

Oops! Palestinian President Mixes Up Morsi, Mubarak

Mahmoud Abbas catches himself at last second

(Newser) - Awkward. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas mixed up the names of Egypt's democratically elected president and his ousted authoritarian predecessor when he tried to thank his hosts at an Islamic summit in Cairo today. Abbas intended to thank Egypt for supporting the Palestinian cause. He began by saying "President...

On Eve of Israeli Election, Peace Is a Non-Issue

Netanyahu poised to roll over divided moderates

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu seems poised for re-election as Israel's prime minister in tomorrow's voting, the result of the failure of his opponents to unite behind a viable candidate against him—and the fact that most Israelis no longer seem to believe it's possible to reach a peace settlement...

Israel Evicts 200 in Palestinian 'Peace Camp'

Conflict over settlements continues in E1 corridor

(Newser) - The battle over proposed Jewish settlements heated up today as Israeli forces uprooted Palestinian activists who had staked tents on a hillside east of Jerusalem, the Guardian reports. The activists say a military force encircled their camp at about 3am and arrested all 200 of them, injuring six in the...

Israel 'Violated Laws of War': Rights Group

Human Rights Watch says it targeted media in Gaza conflict

(Newser) - Israel broke the laws of war by targeting media facilities and journalists "that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations" during its November offensive against Gaza, Human Rights Watch argues in a statement released today. The group recorded four attacks by Israeli forces over the eight-day conflict...

Abbas Returns, Hailed as Hero
 Abbas Returns, Hailed as Hero 

Abbas Returns, Hailed as Hero

Palestinians elated over UN's recognition; Israel seethes

(Newser) - Mahmoud Abbas returned home today to something of a rock star's welcome: Cheering crowds chanting his name and waving Palestinian flags greeted the president, who is fresh off his successful bid to have the United Nations recognize Palestine , reports al-Jazeera . "Yes, now we have a state," Abbas...

Israel Approves New West Bank Settlement

Green light for construction comes after UN recognition of Palestine

(Newser) - Israel approved the construction of 3,000 homes in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, drawing swift criticism from the Palestinians a day after their successful UN recognition bid. The Palestinians strongly condemned the announcement and repeated their refusal to start peace negotiations while building continued. With...

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