stem cells

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Scientists Rebuild Heart With Stem Cells

Advance could save heart disease patients, regrow other organs

(Newser) - Scientists rebuilt rat and pig hearts using stem cells taken from the recipients themselves, the Telegraph reports—a medical breakthrough that could help the 22 million people who suffer from heart failure worldwide. The technique, called whole organ decellularization, produced the world’s first functioning “bioartificial” heart within eight...

Stem Cells Made Without Destroying Embryos

Blastomere biopsy may finally overcome ethical obstacles

(Newser) - Scientists have created new embryonic stem cells while keeping the donor embryos intact, Wired reports, a breakthrough that could finally permit long-delayed research into curing cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Researchers plucked single cells from 2-day-old human embryos, coaxed them to become ESCs, and developed them into heart tissue,...

Third Team Turns Skin Into Stem Cells

First time cells were taken from a volunteer, not lab grown

(Newser) - A third team of scientists has successfully turn skin cells into stem cells that can be coaxed into becoming any kind of tissue. The American researchers are the first group to manage the feat with a volunteer's cells, not cells grown in a lab, which demonstrates that such cells could...

Scientists to Test Promising New Theory on Cancer

Medical centers will directly attack cancerous stem cells

(Newser) - Cancer researchers are poised to begin what could be a revolutionary approach to treating cancer, the New York Times reports. Instead of trying to destroy tumors, scientists at three leading medical centers will go after cancerous stem cells that feed the tumors. The controversial approach—not all scientists buy the...

Skin Stem Cells Cure Sickle Cell in Mice

Latest advance in revolutionary research

(Newser) - In the latest advance in revolutionary new stem cell research, scientists have cured sickle-cell anemia in mice using stem cells made from skin. It's the first proof that such cells can be used to cure hereditary diseases. But because the cure involved the use of viruses to alter DNA, significant...

Embryonic Stem-Cell Issue Still Dogs GOP

Pols can't nix research and back in-vitro clinics: Time writer

(Newser) - Last week's breakthrough in stem-cell research—the creation of cells from skin rather than embryos—is a tremendous scientific advance, writes Michael Kinsley in Time magazine. But the new science doesn't let hypocritical GOP politicians dodge the controversy over embryonic stem cells: They will still be risking human lives with...

New Stem Cells Cancer-Free
New Stem Cells Cancer-Free

New Stem Cells Cancer-Free

Kyoto scientists nix tumors in mice with new cell cocktail

(Newser) - Scientists who recently turned skin into embryonic stem cells are now tweaking the process to reduce cancer risk, Reuters reports. A team at Kyoto University grew live mice with a cell cocktail, but said the rodents grew tumors. So they nixed a gene called c-Myc1 and the next batch came...

Scientists Make Stem Cells Without Embryos

Long-awaited breakthrough bypasses ethical wrangling

(Newser) - Scientists have figured out how to make stem cells out of ordinary skin cells—a long-awaited breakthrough that could bypass ethical wrangling over embryos and eggs. Two teams of researchers, one American and one Japanese, arrived at the process independently, the Washington Post reports. One scientist called the discovery "...

Dolly Scientist Dumps Embryo Cloning Method

Switches to less controversial Japanese technique

(Newser) - The scientist who created the cloned sheep Dolly is now abandoning the technique he pioneered in favor of a rival method of cell modification developed in Japan. The Japanese approach, which genetically manipulates adult human cells, has proven less controversial than embryonic stem cell research. But scientist Ian Wilmut insists...

Nobel Prize Goes to Stem Cell Trio
Nobel Prize Goes to Stem Cell Trio

Nobel Prize Goes to Stem Cell Trio

Medicine award recognizes US, British pioneers in gene targeting in mice

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded today to three stem-cell researchers who developed techniques for manipulating genes in mice. Mario R. Capecchi,  Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies  pioneered a process called gene targeting that allows specific genes to be turned on or off. This in turn allows...

Stem Cells Show Promise for Sick Lungs

Cells injected in mouse tails 'recolonize' lungs in breakthrough research

(Newser) - Scientists have successfully implanted stem cells into the lungs of mice in breakthrough research that could one day be used to develop new treatments for cancer patients or those suffering from major respiratory ailments. It's the first time stem cell research has focused on lungs because of the complex nature...

Brits Approve Experiments on Human-Animal Embryos

Hybrids to be created for stem cell research

(Newser) - Controversial experiments with embryos that are part human, part animal will be approved by a British commission tomorrow, the Guardian reports. Researchers hope to create the hybrid embryos to extract stem cells for use in potential treatments of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and possibly motor neuron problems and spinal cord...

Human Stem Cells Grow Heart Muscle
Human Stem Cells Grow Heart Muscle

Human Stem Cells Grow Heart Muscle

Rats' cardiac tissue regenerated, halting progress of disease

(Newser) - Researchers are using human embryonic stem cells to regrow heart muscle and actually stop the progression of heart failure in rats. Although stems cells injected into rat heart tissue had previously been shown to become muscle tissue, very few had survived. Now  a team from the University of Washington has...

Common Virus Linked to Obesity
Common Virus Linked
to Obesity

Common Virus Linked to Obesity

Fat cells exposed to virus grow in size and number

(Newser) - A virus that causes sore throats and eye infections may also contribute to obesity, new research suggests. leaving infected people with more and larger fat cells than uninfected people have. The discovery could lead to the development of anti-obesity vaccines and may help explain why some obese people have healthy...

Fake Cloner Stumbled Onto Major Stem Cell Find

Scandal overshadowed self-fertilizing eggs

(Newser) - The South Korean stem cell researcher who faked cloning a human egg and forged research results actually made a huge discovery without realizing it. Scientists reviewing his work have discovered that his team's embryonic stem cells were the product of unfertilized eggs that underwent parthenogenesis, or divided on their...

Fat Stem Cells Used to Grow Breasts
Fat Stem
Cells Used to
Grow Breasts

Fat Stem Cells Used to Grow Breasts

Breakthrough treatment could be ready next year

(Newser) - Bigger breasts—even new breasts—can be grown using a new treatment that extracts stem cells from fat in the stomach or buttocks, the BBC reports. The breakthrough could help women who have had mastectomies, or rival implants for those seeking bigger breasts.

Mouse Stem Cell Discovery Speeds Cures

'Missing link' embryonic cell boosts fight against Parkinsons, diabetes

(Newser) - British scientists have discovered a new type of stem cell in mice that's much closer to human embryonic stem cells, making them invaluable in the search for cures for diseases like Parkinson's and diabetes. Two independent teams from Oxford and Cambridge today revealed the "missing link" cells, which can...

Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill
Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill

Bush Kills Stem-Cell Bill

Wields veto for third time in presidency; Dems come out swinging

(Newser) - President Bush delivered the expected veto of a stem-cell research bill this afternoon, issuing instead an executive order to encourage the development of non-embryonic stem cells. "I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line," Bush said, setting off a predictable firestorm of protests from Dems....

Bush Prepares to Re-Veto Stem Cell Bill

Without override votes, Dems force prez to renew unpopular rebuff

(Newser) - President Bush plans to sic the third veto of his presidency on a new bill that would soften restrictions on stem-cell research. Congressional Dems sent the bill to the president this week, and it looks eerily similar to one Bush sent back to fail a congressional override in January.

House OKs Stem Cell Bill; Veto Expected

(Newser) - The House approved the stem cell bill today by a wide but not veto-proof margin, sending the legislation to the White House to await rejection by President Bush. The bipartisan bill, which loosens restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, passed the Senate in April and sailed through...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>