Donna Zovko

2 Stories

Grieving Mom Still Wants Answers from Blackwater

CEO offers to meet after reading her story

(Newser) - Donna Zovko's son Jerry was working for Blackwater in 2004 when he was killed and his mutilated body dragged through Fallujah, and Zovko tells CNN she would trade her meeting with the Pope "for the truth of my Jerry's death." After seeing the story Blackwater's CEO offered to...

Blackwater Blamed for Fallujah Bloodshed

Murder of unprepared patrol sparked battle

(Newser) - Blackwater, the private security firm under investigation for a dozen civilian deaths in Iraq last week, is now being faulted for actions that led to a 2004 battle in which 36 US soldiers and 600 civilians were killed.  Blackwater is charged with sending a disorganized, unprepared four-man team into...

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