Xi Jinping

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She&#39;s the Most Admired Woman in the World
10 Most Admired
Men, Women in World

10 Most Admired Men, Women in World

Michelle Obama and Bill Gates lead their respective lists

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is not only the most admired woman in America , but also in the world, according to new poll. Market research firm YouGov asked 42,000 people in 41 countries to name the men and women they most look up to, and Obama's name came up a lot,...

In Trump-Xi Meeting, a 'Surprising Move' by Trump

President says trade talks are back on, appears to reverse ban on US companies selling to Huawei

(Newser) - What had been dubbed a "most suspenseful meeting" between President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit is now over, and by Trump's account, the meeting went well. So well, in fact, that trade talks between the US and China are now...

China Will Make Big Demand of Trump
China Will Make Big
Demand of Trump

China Will Make Big Demand of Trump

Xi Jinping reportedly wants tariffs nixed and Huawei ban lifted to jump-start trade talks

(Newser) - There's a sliver of hope trade talks may resume between the US and China and that a trade war could soon be over, but China has some demands first. The Wall Street Journal reports Robert Lighthizer, the chief US trade representative, is set to meet with his Chinese equivalent...

As Deadline Nears, Trump May Meet With China's Xi

Trade war escalates in a month if 2 sides can't strike a deal

(Newser) - It's nearly crunch time for US and Chinese negotiators hoping to avoid a big escalation in the trade war, and it now appears that President Trump and Xi Jinping will meet face-to-face just before a crucial deadline. The Wall Street Journal reports that China has floated the idea of...

For 35th Birthday, Kim Jong Un Heads to China

He may be preparing for new Trump summit

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Beijing on Tuesday at the start of a four-day visit, in what's likely an effort to coordinate with his only major ally ahead of a second summit with President Trump that could happen early this year. A long motorcade including motorcycle...

Result of Trump-Xi Dinner: A 90-Day Truce

Trade war seems to be on hiatus

(Newser) - The US and China reached a 90-day ceasefire in a trade dispute that has rattled financial markets and threatened world economic growth, per the AP . The breakthrough came after a dinner meeting Saturday between President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires....

Trump, Xi Lock Eyes Over Sirloin Dinner

US-China trade relations may hang in the balance

(Newser) - Table talk at President Donald Trump's dinner meeting Saturday with Chinese leader Xi Jinping will undoubtedly have a global impact, the AP reports. What they agree on—or don't—will likely move markets up or down, determine whether the world economy gets some relief from destabilizing trade tensions...

Big Day Is Here: World's Longest Sea Bridge Set to Open

But only certain drivers will be allowed on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge

(Newser) - Worries about its structural integrity haunted the world's longest sea bridge earlier this year, but the HZMB now appears to be set to open. CNN reports the $20 billion Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge will officially have its ribbon cut Tuesday, nine years after construction on the bridge started, at...

Trump, Xi to Meet as Trade War Wears On

Officials say meeting will take place at G20 summit

(Newser) - Amid a continued trade dispute between their two countries, President Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, plan to meet next month at the Group of 20 leaders’ summit in Buenos Aires. Officials say the Trump administration notified Beijing in recent days that plans for a meeting at the multilateral...

Wife of Missing Interpol Head Says He Texted Her Knife Emoji

She says Meng Hongwei's message means he's in danger

(Newser) - The saga of missing Interpol chief Meng Hongwei continues as his wife reveals he sent her a text message consisting of just a single emoji: that of a knife. Per AFP , Grace Meng relayed the jarring information to a group of reporters in Lyon, France, where the global police agency...

In China, Burning Bibles Is All the Rage
China Waging War
on Christianity 

China Waging War on Christianity

Activists say Beijing is burning Bibles, shutting churches, forcing the faithful to renounce

(Newser) - China's government is ratcheting up a crackdown on Christian congregations, destroying crosses, burning Bibles, shutting churches, and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith, according to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China. The campaign corresponds with a drive to "Sinicize" religion by demanding loyalty...

China Steps Up Crackdown on Christianity

Suppression is worst since 1982

(Newser) - Under President Xi Jinping, China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, believers are seeing their freedoms shrink dramatically even as the country undergoes a religious revival. Experts and activists say that as he consolidates his power, Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country...

John Oliver Finds Out What Happens When You Rip on China

'Last Week Tonight' host criticized Xi Jiping, now faces scrubbing on country's version of Twitter

(Newser) - "China: the country responsible for huge technological advances, and yet it still can't seem to get pandas to f---" is how John Oliver opened Sunday's edition of Last Week Tonight . That was just the start of an episode filled with barbs aimed at the world's most...

Xi Has Surprise Meeting With Kim, Then a Call With Trump

Xi Jinping met a second time with Kim Jong Un

(Newser) - China says President Xi Jinping has met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a northern Chinese port city. The meeting, held Monday and Tuesday in Dalian, is the second between the two men in recent weeks , following Kim's March visit to Beijing, his first since taking power...

Trump Tweets on Comey: 'Very Sick or Very Dumb'

President also makes bold proclamation Friday: 'KOREAN WAR TO END!'

(Newser) - As Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in jump-started their "new history" together, President Trump took to Twitter to confidently crow about what Politico deems the "historic" moment currently taking place in South Korea. "KOREAN WAR TO END!" he proclaimed , noting that the summit between the North...

China, North Korea Aren't Describing Secret Visit the Same

Here's what we can infer from that

(Newser) - Now that North Korea and China have confirmed Kim Jong Un's first trip abroad since becoming his country's leader, the analysis has commenced. The Wall Street Journal pores over how the respective state media are covering the visit—noting such accounts "serve as official readouts for such...

Kim Jong Un's Secret Trip Is Confirmed

He made visit to Beijing this week

(Newser) - Kim Jong Un has made his first known trip abroad since becoming North Korea's leader in 2011—and it wasn't to Mar-a-Lago. After days of rumors sparked by the arrival of a mysterious North Korean train in Beijing, Chinese and North Korean officials have confirmed that Kim met...

China Clears Way for 'Leader for Life'

Eliminates term limits, enabling Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely

(Newser) - China's rubber-stamp lawmakers on Sunday passed a historic constitutional amendment abolishing a presidential two-term limit that will enable Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely, reports the AP . The amendment upends a system enacted by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1982 to prevent a return to the bloody excesses of...

China's Move: Term Limits 'Not Usually Found in Dictatorships'

5 reactions to the Communist Party's proposed alteration of Constitution

(Newser) - China's Xi Jinping was set to step down in 2023, his presidency curtailed by a two-term limit. Now, with the news that China's ruling Communist Party has proposed scrapping the clause that president and vice president "shall serve no more than two consecutive terms" from the constitution,...

China to Kill Term Limits for Xi
China to Kill Term Limits for Xi

China to Kill Term Limits for Xi

Ruling party moves to centralize power around Xi Jinping

(Newser) - China's ruling Communist Party has proposed scrapping term limits for the country's president, reports the AP , appearing to lay the groundwork for Xi Jinping to rule beyond 2023. The party's Central Committee proposed to remove from the constitution the clause that president and vice president "shall...

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