celebrity trials

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Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock'
 Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock' 

Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock'

Former football star an't fathom why he's in jail for 'nothing incident'

(Newser) - OJ Simpson is “in shock” over his conviction and the prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars. “I can't believe I'm in here for this nothing incident,” he said. “He's strong. He's just in shock,” a friend told the New York Daily ...

Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ
 Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ 

Jurors: Secret Tapes Sank OJ

Recordings helped prosecution overcome unreliable witnesses, they say

(Newser) - It was OJ Simpson’s own words—caught on secret recording—that sealed his fate, jurors told the media yesterday. The defense succeeded in discrediting the prosecution’s witnesses, they said, but the tapes, on which Simpson can be heard planning and carrying out the robbery, were key in their...

Goldman's Dad Hails OJ Verdict
 Dad Hails 
 OJ Verdict 


Goldman's Dad Hails OJ Verdict

Fred Goldman hopes Simpson rots in jail

(Newser) - While much of the response to the guilty verdict against OJ Simpson has been mixed—and muted—the father of murder victim Ron Goldman is delighted, reports the New York Daily News. Fred Goldman said he was "thrilled to see that this SOB" will "hopefully go to jail...

Simpson Facing 'Very Hard Years' in Prison
Simpson Facing 'Very Hard Years' in Prison

Simpson Facing 'Very Hard Years' in Prison

(Newser) - Don't expect a miracle legal rescue to set OJ Simpson free anytime soon, writes Richard Abowitz in the Los Angeles Times. Simpson will be imprisoned until his December sentencing—the judge didn't have to do that but chose to anyway—then sent into the Nevada prison system. His appeal probably...

OJ Will Appeal Conviction
 OJ Will Appeal Conviction 

OJ Will Appeal Conviction

Lawyer: Appeal is "only hope" after Simpson found guilty on all counts

(Newser) - OJ Simpson’s lawyer has said that “you would have to be living on another planet” to not anticipate his client’s guilty verdict, reports the Las Vegas Sun. Simpson was found guilty on all 12 counts of armed robbery, kidnapping and other charges late last night and could...

Simpson Guilty on All Counts, Faces Life Sentence

(Newser) - Thirteen years to the day after being acquitted of murdering his ex-wife, OJ SImpson was found guilty late last night in Las Vegas of all counts in the 2007 robbery of two sports-memorabilia dealers. The disgraced NFL great faces life when he is sentenced Dec. 5. Simpson, 61, sighed as...

Jury Out on OJ Case
 Jury Out on OJ Case 

Jury Out on OJ Case

Ex football star faces possibility of life in prison—again

(Newser) - The jury in the OJ Simpson armed robbery case begins deliberations today as the former football star faces the possibility of life behind bars for the second time. Simpson, 61, has been charged with 12 robbery, weapons and kidnapping charges linked to a confrontation with a sports memorabilia dealer in...

OJ Defense Rests Without Calling Simpson

Las Vegas jury could get robbery-kidnap case tomorrow

(Newser) - OJ Simpson’s defense team rested its case today without calling the former football star to testify in his armed robbery and kidnapping trial in Las Vegas. Though the prosecution can still call rebuttal witnesses, the case could go to jury tomorrow, the Review-Journal reports. Lawyers for Simpson's co-defendant called...

OJ Prosecution Rests After Witness Waffles

(Newser) - Prosecutors rested their case in the OJ Simpson robbery-kidnapping trial today after a state witness waffled under cross-examination, AFP reports. Michael McClinton admitted that he had not told police about Simpson's request to bring a gun to rob memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas last year. But he testified last week...

OJ Victim Alleges Tape Tampering
OJ Victim Alleges Tape Tampering

OJ Victim Alleges Tape Tampering

Dealer thinks recording was doctored to hurt Simpson's defense

(Newser) - One of the alleged victims in OJ Simpson's memorabilia-theft trial has turned into a boon for the defense, suggesting that another victim doctored a key piece of evidence. Alfred Beardsley, a witness for the prosecution, accused auctioneer Thomas Riccio of editing out parts of a recording Riccio made during their...

Witness: Guns Were OJ's Idea
 Witness: Guns Were OJ's Idea 

Witness: Guns Were OJ's Idea

Former golf buddy Alexander says Simpson told him to lie about being armed

(Newser) - A former OJ Simpson golfing buddy testified today that the football star told him to pack heat for September’s confrontation with sports-memorabilia dealers, and that Simpson shooed away concerns about the police. "This is going to be a robbery," Walter Alexander recalled thinking after Simpson allegedly told...

OJ Judge Bars Goldman Lawyer From Testifying

Prosecution in Vegas robbery sought to tie Simpson's mindset to 90s slaying

(Newser) - The skeletons are back in the closet for OJ Simpson today after a judge said a lawyer for the Goldman family—who won a civil verdict against the former football star in the slaying of their son—can't testify in Simpson’s current armed-robbery trial, AP reports. The prosecution argued...

Goldman Lawyer May Testify Against OJ

Attorney for murder victim's kin may speak to OJ's state of mind

(Newser) - OJ Simpson's past murder trial dramatically resurfaced in his armed robbery hearing yesterday as prosecutors sought to question a lawyer for the family of murder victim Ron Goldman, CNN reports. The prosecution argued that David Cook—who has aggressively pursued Simpson's assets—could testify as to Simpson's state of mind...

Sick Crime Scribe Rushed From OJ Trial

Dominick Dunne battling cancer

(Newser) - Vanity Fair crime writer Dominick Dunne was rushed to the hospital yesterday from the Las Vegas courtroom where OJ Simpson is on trial for armed robbery, reports CNN. Paramedics were called when the 82-year-old writer, who suffers from bladder cancer, told a colleague: "I am in a lot of...

Vegas Cop Thought OJ Heist 'Couldn't Be True'

'It didn't make sense' until he heard tape

(Newser) - The first Las Vegas detective to investigate OJ Simpson’s alleged involvement in an armed robbery last September said he was initially flabbergasted at the idea, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It didn't make sense,” Andy Caldwell testified yesterday at Simpson’s trial. Caldwell was soon swayed by...

Alleged Simpson Victim Gets Sick in Courtroom

Fromong testifies for hours before pointing to chest and leaving

(Newser) - The first witness in OJ Simpson's robbery-kidnapping trial cut proceedings short by complaining of chest pain and leaving the courtroom, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. Bruce Fromong, 54, who says he has had four heart attacks since the robbery, testified for hours before pointing to his chest and walking out....

Another OJ Trial Kicks Off
 Another OJ Trial Kicks Off 

Another OJ Trial Kicks Off

Ex-NFL great faces a dozen charges, life sentence in Las Vegas court

(Newser) - OJ Simpson shook his head as a prosecutor promised to show jurors "the true face" of the disgraced NFL star, whose trial on 12 counts of felony kidnapping, armed robbery, and other charges began today in Las Vegas, the Review-Journal reports. Simpson's lawyer countered that he was retrieving his...

All-White Jury Will Judge OJ
 All-White Jury Will Judge OJ 

All-White Jury Will Judge OJ

(Newser) - Nine women and three men will make up the jury in OJ Simpson’s trial for kidnapping and armed robbery —but none of them are black, the Los Angeles Times reports. The prosecution dismissed two black candidates, one from the jury and another from the pool of alternates, but...

OJ's Past Will Be Elephant in Courtroom

Simpson must overcome baggage to beat robbery rap

(Newser) - If he gets an impartial jury, it’s possible “OJ’s going to walk again,” one trial consultant says of the armed-robbery case starting today in a Las Vegas courtroom. But finding an impartial jury is nigh-impossible when it comes to Orenthal James Simpson. Simpson’s double-murder case...

K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids
 K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids 

K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids

Brit still gets three visits per week

(Newser) - Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have reached a custody agreement that will keep them out of court for the near future. If the judge approves, K-Fed will retain sole custody of Preston, 2½, and Jayden, 18 months, with Spears continuing to have two visits and one overnight per week, People...

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