David Denby

4 Stories

Dragon Tattoo Producers Fume Over Good Review

New Yorker publishes piece early

(Newser) - The New Yorker has sparked the ire of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo producer Scott Rudin—with a positive review that calls the film "mesmerizing." Trouble is, the review came out early, a big no-no in an industry where timing is key. Filmmakers want their movies—especially big-ticket...

New Critique of Snark Misses the Point
New Critique
of Snark Misses the Point
Book Review

New Critique of Snark Misses the Point

Denby blames the hecklers, fails to see what they're heckling

(Newser) - Give David Denby credit for bravery: He's 65 and the movie critic at the New Yorker, so he “could have written the most concise, insightful, and expertly argued book about snark and still come off like an Internet-age Andy Rooney,” writes Adam Sternbergh of New York Magazine. His...

Margot Annoys at the Wedding
Margot Annoys at the Wedding

Margot Annoys at the Wedding

'Annoying' or well crafted? Critics are split

(Newser) - The estranged sisters at the heart of Noah Baumbach's talky Margot at the Wedding are well portrayed but just too unlikable to win over most critics. Nicole Kidman's short-story writer Margot, who Newsweek's David Ansen calls a  "brittle nightmare," descends on the wedding of her pregnant sister, Jennifer...

Best Memoirs About Money
Best Memoirs About Money

Best Memoirs About Money

Get the inside scoop on finance from those who live (and lived) it

(Newser) - Some earn money; some write about it. Some do both. CNN Money recommends these six memoirs about money: getting it, managing it, spending it, and not having enough of it:
  1. The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan
  2. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre
  3. American Sucker by David Denby

4 Stories
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