primary leapfrogging

6 Stories

How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up
How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up

How the Super Tuesday States Screwed Up

Turns out, voting late might actually be better in '08's crazy primaries

(Newser) - The states that rushed to hold their primaries as soon into 2008 as possible are probably regretting it right about now, writes Slate’s Jeff Greenfield. It turns out that early momentum hasn't been generated, and Super Tuesday might not decide anything. That would give the straggling late states enough...

'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove
'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove

'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove

Crowded primaries make campaigning impossible, distort race

(Newser) - The 2008 election cycle is a ridiculous mess, writes Karl Rove in today's Wall Street Journal. Though the primary campaign began earlier than ever, it will be decided in an unprecedented whirlwind, with 32 states being determined between Jan. 3 and Feb. 5. No candidate can effectively campaign in that...

Democrats to Michigan: No Votes for You

Party strips state of delegates for moving up primary

(Newser) - The Democratic Party today voted to strip Michigan of all its delegates to the Democratic National Convention, a widely expected and possibly temporary punishment for bumping up the state’s primary. Candidates have already agreed not to campaign in Michigan, and some—including Obama and Edwards—have removed themselves from...

College, Caucus Calendars Conflict
College, Caucus Calendars Conflict

College, Caucus Calendars Conflict

Iowa vote during school vacation may spell trouble for Obama

(Newser) - The Iowa caucuses are scheduled for January 3—during most colleges' winter break. The loser in the primary leapfrogging contest may turn out to be Barack Obama, who's been counting on collegiate footsoldiers to aid an upset victory, USA Today reports. it's worth noting, however, that young people made up...

Iowa Dems to Join GOP for Early Caucus

Latest ‘first in the nation’ move should be okayed Sunday

(Newser) - Dems will likely okay a January 3 date for Iowa caucuses and help the state stay ahead of New Hampshire in the rush for earliest caucus. Iowa Democratic Chairman Scott Brennan has already endorsed the date. "It was a recommendation that was not come to lightly," said a...

Primary Leapfroggers Will Lose Half of Delegates: GOP

RNC vows to penalize 5 states

(Newser) - Five state delegations will lose half their votes if they hold their primaries, as currently scheduled, before the official start date of February 5, the RNC ruled yesterday. The party’s national chairman said the penalty shouldn’t come as a surprise, because the 2008 rules were adopted at the...

6 Stories