Bill White

5 Stories

Lynch Wins 4th Term as NH Governor

 GOP Grabs 
 10 Democratic 
republican governors

GOP Grabs 10 Democratic Governorships

Also, Nikki Haley wins in South Carolina

(Newser) - Republicans captured governorships that had been held by Democrats in Michigan, Tennessee, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. In other big races, Nikki Haley won in South Carolina, Jan Brewer won in Arizona, and Harry Reid's son lost in Nevada. GOP highlights below; see Democratic highlights...

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison
Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Republican will face Democrat Bill White, who wins easily

(Newser) - Incumbent Rick Perry claimed the Republican nomination for Texas governor in today’s primary, beating back a challenge from US Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison—who has conceded in the past hour, the Austin American Statesman reports—and the Tea Party-backed Debra Medina. He’ll face Bill White, the former Houston...

Support Strong for Gay Navy Secretary

'Don't ask, don't tell' wouldn't apply because post is a civilian job

(Newser) - Retired military leaders and congressional Democrats are urging Barack Obama to nominate Bill White, an openly gay executive at the New York museum featuring the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, as secretary of the Navy, the Washington Times reports. The civilian post would not be subject to the Pentagon’s “...

Bush Follows Ike to Texas
 Bush Follows Ike to Texas 

Bush Follows Ike to Texas

(Newser) - President Bush visited Houston and took an air tour over Galveston today, urging Americans to continue contributions to the Red Cross and other charities and promising timely aid from state and federal governments, the Washington Post reports. Meanwhile, Houston Mayor Bill White grumbled about a slow FEMA response to his...

Democrats Hang On to City Hall
Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Democrats Hang On to City Hall

Four mayors returned to office, one wins in Philly; Dems also take Virginia senate

(Newser) - It was a good night for Democratic mayors last night: incumbents in San Francisco, Houston and Pittsburgh all comfortably won reelection. In addition, Philadelphia elected Michael Nutter on promises to reduce violence, and Baltimore gave a full term to Sheila Dixon, the city's first female mayor, who took office earlier...

5 Stories