Senate race

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GOP Insurgent Spends $1M to Challenge Incumbent

Businessman Dave Dodson runs against mild-mannered John Barrasso

(Newser) - Years ago, orthopedic surgeon John Barrasso gave regular health advice on the evening television news, Wyoming-wide exposure that established a reputation as a mild, level-headed caregiver and helped launch his political career. Through 16 years in office, including two elections for the Wyoming Senate and two for the US Senate,...

Trump Tears Into Media at Pennsylvania Rally

'Only negative stories from the fakers back there'

(Newser) - Thundering that the media is the "fake, fake disgusting news," President Trump unleashed a torrent of grievances Thursday at a Pennsylvania campaign rally in which he cast journalists as his true political opponent. Trump barnstormed in a state that he swiped from the Democrats in 2016 and that...

Trump Gives Blankenship a Thumbs-Down, He Pushes Back

'I am Trumpier than Trump and this morning proves it,' says WV Senate candidate

(Newser) - President Trump is urging West Virginia voters to reject a former federal convict and coal baron running in the Republican Senate primary, arguing that Don Blankenship would lose the general election. Trump tweeted on Monday: "To the great people of West Virginia we have, together, a really great chance...

Ted Cruz Doesn't Like Rival Using a Nickname

Chris Cuomo explains why Rafael Edward Cruz is a hypocrite

(Newser) - In a sign of the politics to come before November's midterms, Ted Cruz has called out a rival's name change—and been called a hypocrite. After Rep. Beto O'Rourke won the Democratic primary for the Texas Senate race Tuesday, Cruz released a radio ad slamming O'Rourke...

Roy Moore Wants Donations for Legal Bills

To fight lawsuit from the woman who says he sexually abused her when she was 14

(Newser) - The latest person to urge you to scrounge through your couch cushions is former Alabama Senate candidate and current lawsuit subject Roy Moore, who is asking supporters to pony up for his legal defense, which "could run over $100,000." The lawsuit in question was brought by Leigh...

Arpaio on Senate Run: 'The President Needs Me'

Controversial ex-sheriff of Maricopa County announces his bid for seat to be vacated by Flake

(Newser) - Arizona's most high-profile former sheriff had said he was mulling a Senate run , and it now looks like he's made up his mind. "I think Washington needs me, the president needs me," Joe Arpaio told Talking Points Memo on Tuesday, confirming he'll enter the race....

Trump to Roy Moore: Time to Concede
Trump to Roy
Moore: Time
to Concede

Trump to Roy Moore: Time to Concede

President has already had 'very pleasant phone call' with Alabama victor Doug Jones

(Newser) - Roy Moore isn't giving up hope that he could still be the next senator from Alabama, proclaiming Wednesday night that "the battle rages on," but President Trump is now telling him to retreat. When asked by reporters in front of the White House Friday whether Moore should...

Trump&#39;s Take on Alabama: I Knew It
Trump's Take
on Alabama:
I Knew It

Trump's Take on Alabama: I Knew It

Tweets that he knew Roy Moore couldn't win

(Newser) - President Trump ended his night by congratulating Doug Jones, and began his morning by tweeting that he essentially knew Jones would be the victor. "The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win...

Trump Congratulates Jones; Moore Won't Concede

Moore says they need to 'wait on God and let this whole process play out'

(Newser) - President Trump congratulated Democrat Doug Jones on winning the Senate election in Alabama Tuesday night—but that wasn't a step Roy Moore was willing to take. After the race was called for Jones, the Republican refused to concede, saying he believed the margin of victory could fall below the...

In Stunner, Democrat Doug Jones Wins in Alabama

He defeats Roy Moore in Senate race

(Newser) - It's Doug Jones. The Democrat won election to the Senate from Alabama on Tuesday, dealing a political blow to President Trump, reports the AP . Jones narrowly defeated Republican Roy Moore, a one-time GOP pariah who was embraced by the Republican Party and the president even after facing allegations of...

As State GOP Rallies Around Roy Moore, a Notable Exception

His would-be colleague in the US Senate, Richard Shelby, wrote in another Republican

(Newser) - Roy Moore's electoral test comes Tuesday, and he looks to be doing well among Alabama's GOP elite despite allegations of sexual misconduct with teenagers. "I have stated both publicly and privately over the last month that unless these allegations were proven to be true I would ... vote...

Woman Has New Proof of Relationship With Roy Moore

She is furious that he called her a liar

(Newser) - Debbie Wesson Gibson used to have fond memories of the relationship she says she had with Roy Moore when she was 17 and he was 34. Not anymore. The Alabama woman says that in recent comments, Moore effectively called her a liar which made her decide to share a recent...

McConnell Will 'Let the People of Alabama' Decide

The Senate leader changes his tune on Roy Moore

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is now saying voters in Alabama should decide if they want Republican candidate Roy Moore to be their new senator, Politico reports. Appearing on ABC's This Week, the Republican Senate majority leader said, "I'm going to let the people of Alabama make the call" when...

White House Speaks Out on Moore Allegations

'Very troubling'

(Newser) - The White House has made its first remarks on the Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations since President Trump got back from Asia—and they stopped a long way short of calling for Moore to step aside, as many senior Republicans have done. Trump believes allegations against the Senate candidate are...

'Anti-Semitic' Robocall Notes Roy Moore, Washington Post

'WaPo' denies involvement in bizarre scheme

(Newser) - An apparent robocall claiming to seek dirt on embattled Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore might actually be an attack against the newspaper that aired his dirty laundry. WKRG reports a pastor in Alabama received a voicemail Tuesday from a man claiming to be a Washington Post reporter looking for women...

Alabama Race Holds Big Stakes for Trump, GOP
Alabama Race Has Makings
of a Republican 'Civil War'
the rundown

Alabama Race Has Makings of a Republican 'Civil War'

President and McConnell back Luther Strange, while Bannon backs Roy Moore

(Newser) - Political eyes are on Alabama on Tuesday, where a Republican primary for the Senate has turned into a proxy war. The race pits Luther Strange, who was appointed to temporarily fill Jeff Sessions' seat, against former State Supreme Court justice Roy Moore. Strange is backed by President Trump and the...

Alabama Senate Race to Reveal Weight of Trump&#39;s Influence
Alabama Senate Race a Tough
One for Trump's Favorite

Alabama Senate Race a Tough One for Trump's Favorite

Luther Strange trails candidate Roy Moore

(Newser) - The fight for the Alabama Senate seat previously vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions looks poised to go to a Sept. 26 runoff election. But the path there officially kicks off Tuesday with a special election primary in which three candidates will be weeded down to two. President Trump and...

In Tight Race, Ill. Senate Debate Takes an Ugly Turn

Mark Kirk questions Tammy Duckworth's US heritage

(Newser) - Illinois Republican Mark Kirk's chances of keeping his US Senate seat took a hit Thursday night when he made an ugly—and inaccurate—remark about his opponent's heritage during a televised debate. After Democratic US Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who was born in Bangkok to a Thai mother and...

Cruz Didn't Disclose Up to $1M in Campaign Loans

He says he'll amend the 'filing error' as necessary

(Newser) - Banks loaned Ted Cruz as much as $1 million during his first Senate campaign in Texas back in 2012, but you wouldn't know it from campaign finance reports. While Cruz eventually disclosed the loans from Citibank and Goldman Sachs—each valued at $250,000 to $500,000—to Senate...

Battle Over Senate May Not End on Election Day

Louisiana and Georgia likely face runoff elections

(Newser) - Think the Nov. 4 election will determine which party controls the US Senate? Not necessarily: Louisiana and Georgia are facing possible run-offs, while Kansas and South Dakota have strong independent candidates who could become king-makers if either party needs one more to control the 100-member legislative body, Reuters reports. No...

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