deep sleep

3 Stories

Why You Toss and Turn the First Night in a Strange Place

Blame the left side of your brain: researchers

(Newser) - If you find it hard to doze off on your first night in unfamiliar surroundings, you're not alone—and it may be because you're like a dolphin. In a study published in Current Biology , Brown University scientists found this type of sleep disturbance (referred to as the "...

Separate Beds: the Key to Happy Marriage?

Sleep disturbance is hard on love, researches say

(Newser) - Looking for lengthy love? It may be time to sleep single. More couples are opting for separate beds, and 60% of custom-built homes in the UK will have dual master bedrooms by 2015, the London Times reports. Many in modern times consider separate beds the end of love, but in...

Cell Phone Radiation Disrupts Sleep

Calls interfere with deep sleep, can cause confusion, study finds

(Newser) - Researchers have found that radiation from cell phones can cause sleep loss, headaches, and confusion, the Independent reports. Mobile phone manufacturers were quick to downplay the results of the new study—which they themselves funded—but sleep experts say the research backs up previous studies, and they're calling for a...

3 Stories