
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Dutch Prince Survives Ski Avalanche
Dutch Prince
Survives Ski Avalanche

Dutch Prince Survives Ski Avalanche

Johan Friso 'not out of danger,' says government

(Newser) - Dutch Prince Johan Friso got snowed under by an avalanche while skiing and was seriously injured today. The 43-year-old son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was buried for 15 minutes before being rescued, reports the BBC . An avalanche beeper likely saved his life. The prince was vacationing in the...

Avalanche Dog Turns Up Alive
 Avalanche Dog Turns Up Alive 

Avalanche Dog Turns Up Alive

Welsh corgi appears at hotel 4 days after owner is killed

(Newser) - Avalanches claimed the lives of three Montanans , but a feisty fighter they didn't get was the dog of one of the dead men. Rescuers were certain Ole, a Welsh corgi, was buried along with his owner last weekend. They saw no sign of the dog when they searched...

3 Montanans Killed in Avalanches
 3 Killed in Montana Avalanches 

3 Killed in Montana Avalanches

Unstable snow making slopes dangerous

(Newser) - Two Montana snowmobilers and a cross-country skier have been killed in three separate avalanches. The body of the skier was recovered by Montana authorities just across the border in Wyoming after his wife reported he vanished in an avalanche as they skied together. Two hours earlier, a snowmobiler died nearby...

Pro Skier Jamie Pierre Dies in Avalanche

Extreme skier was snowboarding at closed Utah resort

(Newser) - A snowboarding accident at a closed resort in Utah has claimed the life of pro skier Jamie Pierre. The 38-year-old extreme athlete and a friend were on a steep slope at the Snowbird Resort—which doesn't open until next weekend and hasn't cleared the slopes of danger—when...

Famous Everest Sherpa Missing After Avalanche

Helicopter searches for Chhewang Nim, who scaled peak 19 times

(Newser) - A renowned sherpa who has scaled Mt. Everest 19 times was likely killed in an avalanche as he neared the peak of Mt. Baruntse in eastern Nepal. Chhewang Nima was leading an expedition of seven climbers when the avalanche struck as he was fixing ropes near the top of the...

Afghan Avalanche Death Toll Hits 157

Rescue crews work to free the hundreds still trapped

(Newser) - The death toll from massive avalanches that blocked a mountain pass north of Kabul soared to 157, as hundreds more remained trapped in their snowbound vehicles, Afghan officials said today. Rescuers have recovered 157 bodies from the Salang Pass, a key road that connects the Afghan capital with the north,...

Afghan Avalanches Kill 28, Strand 1,500

Heavy snow complicates rescue effort north of Kabul

(Newser) - Avalanches on a mountain pass north of Kabul killed at least 28 people yesterday, with another 1,500 stranded in their vehicles on snow-blocked roads. Some 70 people have been injured and transported to hospitals. Rescuers worked through the night to save more than 200 people, but heavy snow and...

Kashmir Avalanche Kills 6 Soldiers, Traps 60

Snow, rain hinder rescue efforts

(Newser) - Six Indian soldiers are dead and about 60 trapped beneath the snow of an avalanche that hit an army training center in a ski resort town in Indian-controlled Kashmir this morning. Rescue operations are under way but are being hindered by incessant rain and snowfall. The soldiers were swept away...

7 Die in Avalanches in Italian Alps
7 Die in Avalanches
in Italian Alps

7 Die in Avalanches in Italian Alps

4 were rescuers searching for victims

(Newser) - Seven people were killed in avalanches in the Italian Alps, including four rescuers who were searching for missing tourists skiing in the Trentino region. A government spokesman blamed the deaths on skiers' refusal to heed warnings about conditions. Officials had recently boosted the avalanche alert level.

Top Climber Killed in Mont. Avalanche

Guy Lacelle dies during climbing competition

(Newser) - Canadian champion climber Guy Lacelle died yesterday after an avalanche swept him off a mountain in Montana during a climbing competition. Lacelle, considered one of the world's leading ice climbers, was ascending a gully when the team above him triggered the avalanche, authorities say. His body was retrieved by a...

Skier Films Avalanche That Buries Him

Downhill racer whimpers and gasps as he awaits rescue by pals

(Newser) - A skier filming a treacherous run down an Alaska cliff ended up capturing an avalanche that buried him for several agonizing minutes as he whimpered and gasped for breath. The camera, still attached to his ski helmet as he lies on his back in the snowy grave, finally picks up...

Avalanche Deaths Haunt Survivor

Adams describes horror after eighth body is recovered

(Newser) - One of three survivors of Sunday's devastating avalanche in British Columbia says it was a "gut-wrenching" decision to leave behind eight of his friends—whose buried bodies he since helped recover. Fearing another rush of snow, Jeff Adams left the site with two others. The experienced sledders, all close...

8 Die in Avalanche Horror
 8 Die in Avalanche Horror 

8 Die in Avalanche Horror

Snowmobilers caught in two avalanches

(Newser) - The bodies of seven Canadian snowmobilers killed in two avalanches have been recovered by a search team in British Columbia, reports the Vancouver Sun. The double tragedy occurred as survivors of a first avalanche searched desperately for their friends before they, too, were engulfed by snow. The search for an...

8 Missing in Canadian Avalanche

11 initially buried; 3 manage escape

(Newser) - Eight snowmobilers are missing after a British Columbia avalanche buried 11 men, the Vancouver Sun reports. Seven were swamped by an initial avalanche; amid a rescue attempt, the other four were buried. Two men pulled themselves to the surface and were able to save one comrade with the help of...

Survivors Tell of K2 Disaster
 Survivors Tell of K2 Disaster 

Survivors Tell of K2 Disaster

Worst mountaineering tragedy since 1986

(Newser) - After braving a challenge that trumps Everest—one that claimed the lives of 11 fellow mountaineers—the survivors of this month's K2 disaster tell Andrew Buncombe of the Independent about their harrowing descent. Battling frostbite, Italian guide Marco Confortola watched helplessly as his friends died, while Dutch climber Wilco van...

Search Called Off for 8 Mont Blanc Climbers

Rescuers call off search for Mont Blanc climbers lost in avalanche yesterday

(Newser) - The search for eight mountaineers swept away by an avalanche yesterday on Mont-Blanc du Tacul in the French Alps has been called off because of hazardous conditions on the mountain, the Telegraph reports. The five Austrians and three Swiss nationalists are presumed dead. Ten other climbers, suffering from broken bones...

10 Missing in Mont Blanc Avalanche

Helicopters, rescuers seeking survivors

(Newser) - Ten climbers are missing after an avalanche early this morning sheered off a snow slope on the north face of Mont Blanc, Europe's highest mountain. Helicopters, dogs, and rescue workers were searching today for survivors, which included Swiss and Austrian climbers. Eight people injured in the avalanche were being treated...

K2 Survivors Describe Ordeal as Last Reaches Camp

Frostbitten climber hobbles home

(Newser) - Survivors of Friday's K2 avalanche that killed 11 climbers describe a chaotic scene as the groups panicked and split up, BBC reports. “Everybody was fighting for himself,” said one of seven survivors. “I still do not understand why everybody was leaving each other.” Italian Marco Confortola,...

Rescuers Pull 2 Off K2; Seek 3rd
 Rescuers Pull 2 Off K2; Seek 3rd

Rescuers Pull 2 Off K2; Seek 3rd

Four others to be evacuated; death toll still unclear

(Newser) - Two helicopters are on a mission to save an Italian climber and evacuate four others on the world’s second-highest peak, AP reports. Stranded on K2 after an avalanche, Marco Confrontola has “serious frostbite,” said a local official. Two Dutch climbers have already been rescued. Reports vary on...

10 Climbers Dead, 3 Missing After K2 Avalanche

Avalanche strands climbers of world's second-highest mountain

(Newser) - At least 10 climbers were killed and three were missing after an avalanche on the world’s second-highest mountain in the Himalayas this weekend, Reuters reports. Teams of climbers reached K2’s peak, but at least two died on the way. An avalanche later killed five more and knocked out...

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