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The NSA Is Tracking People&#39;s Porn Habits
 The NSA Is Tracking 
 People's Porn Habits 
Snowden Leak

The NSA Is Tracking People's Porn Habits

In the hopes of discrediting terrorist recruiters

(Newser) - Forget email and phone data, the NSA is officially spying on something people really want to keep private: their porn history. The spy agency has proposed discrediting radical Islamists who might be attempting to radicalize others by publicly airing any dirty laundry that might make them look like hypocrites, including...

Why Rape Fantasies Should Be Legal

 Why Rape Fantasies 
 Should Be Legal 

Why Rape Fantasies Should Be Legal

Ironically, the UK's proposed ban is an assault on consent, Tracy Clark-Flory argues

(Newser) - The UK is considering banning porn that depicts rape —not just actual rape, but simulated rape scenes between actual consenting adults. And that distinction matters a whole lot, writes Tracy Clark-Flory at Salon . "In general, the BDSM scene … is smarter about consent and negotiation than the vanilla...

1 in 10 Young People Admits Sexual Violence

Study finds shocking level of sexual assaults among those 14 to 21

(Newser) - Sexual violence is frighteningly common among young people between ages 14 and 21, according to a new study. Almost a tenth of young people admit perpetrating at least one act of sexual violence and 4% say they have attempted or completed rape, researchers found after speaking to more than a...

Porn Industry Will Resume Filming After HIV Scare

Trade group says actors will now get tested every 2 weeks

(Newser) - The porn industry is getting back to business this week: A self-imposed moratorium on filming ends Friday, reports the Los Angeles Times . Industry trade group the Free Speech Coalition put the moratorium in place after three actors tested positive for HIV, but the coalition says it's confident the danger...

Another Porn Star Tests Positive for HIV

Industry body calls for another filming moratorium

(Newser) - Two more porn stars have tested positive for HIV, prompting calls for another moratorium on filming and adding more ammunition to the battle over mandatory condom requirements for adult films. The first person infected, reported last month , has been identified as actress Cameron Bay. Earlier this week, a second actor,...

300K Porn Site Visits Made From UK Parliament

And 52K hits on adultery matchmaking service

(Newser) - Perhaps the UK's new Internet porn block is actually an act of self-restriction? People working in Parliament tried to access porn sites some 300,000 times in the past year alone, the Huffington Post has uncovered via an FOI request. It's not clear, however, which of the 5,...

Positive HIV Test Grinds Porn Industry to a Halt

Industry group calls for halt in filming, consults doctors

(Newser) - A leading porn industry group called for a moratorium on filming, after discovering that one performer has tested positive for HIV. The Free Speech Coalition, an industry group, wouldn't reveal the infected performer's identity, but said it was working with Adult Production Health & Safety Services to treat...

Next for Weiner's Sexting Pal: Porn Star?

More than you ever wanted to know about Sydney Leathers

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner's latest sexting partner: coming to a sex tape near you? TMZ spotted Sydney Leathers getting into the car of porn honcho Steve Hirsch, CEO of Vivid Entertainment, after leaving the company's LA headquarters Saturday. And Gawker notes that she has been on a bit of a...

UK to Outlaw &#39;Extreme&#39; Porn

 UK to Outlaw 
 'Extreme' Porn 

UK to Outlaw 'Extreme' Porn

And Internet porn will be blocked unless households specifically request it

(Newser) - It's about to be a crime to possess violent porn in the UK, David Cameron declared today, as he announced a sweeping crackdown on Internet porn. As has long been rumored , Cameron said that all online porn would be blocked unless a household specifically requests it. By the end...

Lot of People Buying Porn Blockers—for Themselves

Salon picks up on trend among worried addicts

(Newser) - Companies that sell porn-blocking software to protect innocent eyes are actually making a nice buck off not-so-innocent eyes as well—adults who want to kick the habit but can't do so on their own. "Welcome to the new age of porn-blockers," writes Tracy Clark-Flory at Salon . "...

Charged to IRS Cards: Porn, Romance Novels, Kazoos

New report finds some charges weren't exactly business-related

(Newser) - The IRS is under fire again (must be Wednesday), this time for allowing employees to expense items such as popcorn machines, Nerf footballs, and stove top hats on taxpayer-funded credit cards. A new report by the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration looking at spending over two financial years...

Google Rejects Porn App for Glass

It would have helped people record sexual encounters and share the results

(Newser) - Google Glass will be a porn-free device if the company can help it. Google yesterday rejected a pornography app for Glass just hours after Seattle developer MiKandi announced one, reports PC World . It would have allowed users to record sexual encounters and share the results on a website with anonymous...

Middle School Mom: Censor 'Pornographic' Anne Frank

Gail Horalek not happy with discussion of sex organs in book

(Newser) - A Michigan mom is upset over the "pornographic" material her 7th-grade daughter was assigned to read: The Diary of Anne Frank. Gail Horalek made the porn comparison because, in the full and unedited version of the book, Frank writes about her genitalia, the Christian Post explains. Horalek filed a...

To Curb Rape, India Looks at Banning Porn

Supreme Court considers petition that ties porn to sexual violence

(Newser) - In the wake of brutal gang rapes , the rape of a 5-year-old girl , and surging sex crimes, India is looking at banning pornography completely. The country's Supreme Court took up the controversial issue last week, the New York Times reports, after a petition claiming porn leads to sexual violence...

'Revenge Porn': Why the Legal System Fails to Stop It

Activists say laws must be written very carefully

(Newser) - Just why is "revenge porn" proliferating across the Internet? Not only because scumbag ex-boyfriends are so easy to come by, Salon reports. Activists say people get away with posting photos of women in various states of undress because the legal system hasn't caught up. In civil law, website...

Porn Legend Harry Reems Dead at 65
 Deep Throat's 
 Harry Reems 
 Dead at 65 

Deep Throat's Harry Reems Dead at 65

Porn legend is only actor convicted by feds on obscenity charge

(Newser) - A Utah realtor born with the unassuming name of Herbert Streicher died this week of pancreatic cancer at age 65, but it's what he did before real estate that makes the obit notable. Streicher took the acting name of Harry Reems and starred in more than 100 adult films,...

Doing Porn Should Be Like Buying Booze: 21+ Only
Doing Porn Should Be Like Buying Booze: 21+ Only

Doing Porn Should Be Like Buying Booze: 21+ Only

Time for Congress to change the porn age: Charles Lane

(Newser) - The media were quick to jump all over the "disgraced" Miss Delaware Teen USA's alleged turn in a porn video . But everyone missed the larger point: Melissa King was just 18 when she supposedly filmed it, writes Charles Lane in the Washington Post . "Why is it even...

Catholic 'Guilt' Over Sex Is a Myth: Poll

Other religious folk feel guiltier about such things

(Newser) - Catholics feel no more guilty than any other religious people about "sinful" sexual activities like premarital sex and the use of pornography, according to a British survey. In fact, Catholics are slightly below average on the "guilt-o-meter," with only 14% saying they feel guilty compared to an...

In Scandal, Miss Delaware Teen USA Gives Up Crown

Sex video surfaces, but Melissa King says it's not her

(Newser) - One way to lose your Miss Delaware Teen USA crown: star in a sex video. Melissa King is not admitting she did just that, but she has given up her crown after questions about an online sex video were raised. A porn website posted the video, which it claims stars...

Iceland Moves to Ban All Online Porn

Iceland pols call porn a human rights violation against women and children

(Newser) - Calling all porn a civil rights violation against the women who appear in it and the children who see it, Iceland is considering a ban on Internet pornography, reports the Daily Mail . Iceland's interior minister has created a working group to find the best way of doing so, with...

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