personal space

3 Stories

Clinton: 'My Skin Crawled' When Trump Stood Behind Me

In memoir, she wonders if she should have said, 'Back up, creep'

(Newser) - MSNBC's Morning Joe has gotten an early excerpt from Hillary Clinton's upcoming memoir, and one snippet in particular is already making headlines everywhere from Axios to Breitbart . In it, Clinton recalls an Oct. 9 town-hall debate with Donald Trump during which he stood behind her as she spoke,...

Here's Where Men, Women Are OK Being Touched
Here's Where Men, Women
Are OK Being Touched
in case you missed it

Here's Where Men, Women Are OK Being Touched

Our personal bubbles have some surprising quirks

(Newser) - Where are men and women OK with being touched? Perhaps not surprisingly, it has everything to do with who is doing the touching, report researchers at Oxford University this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . A handy body map—1,368 men and women were asked...

Fragrances Going the Way of the Cigarette

Women buying less perfume; some public spaces prohibit scents

(Newser) - Personal fragrances aren't smelling so sweet for US consumers, the New York Times reports: Though perfume varieties have increased, the number of women wearing them is decreasing. Though 85% of women still apply a scent, the ranks of the fragrant thinned by 2 million between 2003 and 2007. The drop,...

3 Stories