
Stories 21 - 33 | << Prev 

Catholic School Kicks Out Kid With Lesbian Parents

Gay rights groups outraged by Colorado priest's decision

(Newser) - A Boulder, Colorado, pastor's decision to uninvite a lesbian couple’s preschooler from returning to his school next year has ignited a storm of controversy. “It is not about punishing the child for the sins of his or her parents,” the Rev. Bill Breslin said by way of...

Home Daycare Turns Kids Into Couch Potatoes

Child-care centers do far better at restricting boob tube time

(Newser) - Children in home-based daycare watch far more TV than kids in formal child-care centers, with preschoolers averaging as much as 3.4 hours a day. The numbers in a new survey haven't changed much from stats recorded in previous years, which the researchers say they find "disconcerting, given the...

Experts Warn Parents of Toddler Depression

Children as young as 3 may need help

(Newser) - Some toddlers who seem cranky or sad could be suffering from chronic depression, PsychCentral reports. A new study finds that some children as young as 3 already show clear symptoms of clinical depression. The condition was most common in children who had suffered abuse or the loss of a parent,...

Parents Push Toddlers Into Japan's 'Exam Hell'

Parents move back starting line for race to secure best schools

(Newser) - While most 3-year-olds romp and fingerpaint, a growing group of Japanese toddlers are working through stacks of worksheets taller than they are. Enrolled in courses called ojuken, they're studying for entrance exams to enter top-tier elementary schools. Despite Japan's declining birth rate and schools clamoring to fill seats, well-heeled parents...

Playtime Teaches Kids 'Executive Function'

Emphasis on developing 'executive function' helps control behavior

(Newser) - Preschool teachers are adopting new techniques to control students’ behavior that focus on impulse control, the Wall Street Journal reports. Seeking to counter a growing trend in rowdiness among young students, progressive curricula involve structured daily playtime during which kids take an imaginary trip to a pretend destination. Each plays...

Germans Get Engineers Started Young
Germans Get Engineers Started Young

Germans Get Engineers Started Young

Top firms aim to turn kindergartners toward tech careers

(Newser) - With a personnel shortfall that's serious and getting worse, Germany wants to get its next generation of engineers started as soon as possible, the Financial Times reports. Hundreds of companies are sending materials and experts to kindergartens to try interest youngsters in technology and science. They hope getting the tots...

Focus, Not IQ, Might be Best School Skill

Kids trained to flex 'executive function' muscles learn better

(Newser) - EF is the new IQ, and if educators accept that new acronym mantra, more preschoolers will be playing games, Newsweek reports. Executive function—the ability to repress distracting thoughts and focus on a task—could be a better indicator of scholarly success than intelligence alone; psychologist Adele Diamond implemented an...

Nickelodeon Show Draws Stoner Crowd
Nickelodeon Show Draws Stoner Crowd

Nickelodeon Show Draws Stoner Crowd

Old-school format, cool music attract older, higher viewers

(Newser) - A Nickelodeon series aimed at preschoolers has garnered an unusual following—hipster parents and twenty-something potheads. The variety-show format of “Yo Gabba Gabba!”—celebs and indie rockers guest between animated shorts—attracts a generation weaned on “The Muppet Show,” reports ABC News. Add bright colors,...

Playgroups, Daycare Cut Leukemia Risk
Playgroups, Daycare Cut Leukemia Risk

Playgroups, Daycare Cut Leukemia Risk

Immune systems toughen when exposed to other children

(Newser) - Enrolling your kids in a preschool, playgroup or daycare center could reduce their risk of getting leukemia by 30-40%, a study finds. Exposing children to other youngsters at a tender age toughens their immune systems, which researchers infer helps them stave off the cancer.

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'
 Panel: US Math System 'Broken' 

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'

Group, worried about future competitive disadvantage, advises focus on basics

(Newser) - A presidential panel today called US math education “broken” and demanded greater focus on key skills ranging from preschool to middle school, the Washington Post reports. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel responded to concerns that Americans are growing less competitive in the realm, and pointed the way to better...

Kids' Clothes Give Teacher a Real Headache

Swedish school bans stripes, polka dots to ease migraines

(Newser) - Bad news for Pippi Longstocking wannabes—a Swedish preschool has banned striped and polka-dotted children's clothing because the patterns trigger one teacher's migraine headaches. The ban is driving some fashion-conscious parents dotty, but the school's principal defends the teacher's right to "an appropriate work environment," reports the Local ...

'Fido,' 'Kitty' Fall Out of Favor
'Fido,' 'Kitty' Fall Out of Favor

'Fido,' 'Kitty' Fall Out of Favor

'Molly'? 'Oliver'? The top dog and cat names would fit right in at preschool

(Newser) - Stumped about what to name the newest member of the family? The Tribune shares Veterinary Pet Insurance's list of its 450,000 clients' top dog and cat names.  Top dog names:
  1. Max
  2. Molly
  3. Buddy

Preschool Kids Get Socked In the Mouth

Cavities are on the rise for the first time in 40 years

(Newser) - Young children are developing more cavities in their baby teeth than kids were a decade ago, the CDC reported yesterday, a worrisome development that reverses a 40-year trend. Preschool children—"thousands and thousands of kids," in the words of one researcher—were the only age group in which...

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