Norman Foster

5 Stories

2 New Theaters Make Dallas a Hotspot
 2 New Theaters 
 Make Dallas a Hotspot 

2 New Theaters Make Dallas a Hotspot

One traditional, one progressive, they reaffirm the Big D's vibrancy

(Newser) - Dallas has several museums and concert halls that would be the envy of any city, but until now they've seemed more like standalone monuments than elements of a city center. Two new venues opening this Sunday have transformed downtown, "giving the area the cultural stature Dallas has long been...

As Money Dries Up, So Does Architecture

Koolhaas reflects on 'end to a period' of megabuildings

(Newser) - When the tower next to Rem Koolhaas’ mammoth CCTV skyscraper in Beijing went up in flames, it seemed to mark the end of an era. After years of pricey signature projects, architects are seeing commissions cut, and projects are languishing. “I don't even know about the word ‘downturn,...

Sorry, Bono: Economy Shelves U2 Tower

Tallest building in Ireland would house band's studio

(Newser) - Not even Bono is immune to the gloomy economy. Plans for a record-breaking Dublin skyscraper partly financed by the band U2 are on hold thanks to the global crisis, AFP reports. The U2 Tower, designed by architect Norman Foster, would be the tallest in Ireland and house a studio for...

Capital Ambition Feeds Beijing's Building Boom

China developing reputation as architectural showcase

(Newser) - The new Terminal 3 at Beijing airport—the largest building in the world—is not only the gateway for visitors streaming into the Chinese capital for this summer's Olympics. It's also the capstone for an unprecedented building program that has transformed Beijing into a world-scale architectural showcase. The New York ...

Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal
Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal

Beijing Opens Giant Air Terminal

World's largest building transforms Chinese capital's airport

(Newser) - Ahead of this August's Olympics, Beijing is set to open a new airport terminal that has been billed as the world's largest building. Designed by Norman Foster, who also designed Hong Kong's airport, the new Terminal 3 was built in only 4 years and, unlike many buildings in China, incorporates...

5 Stories