internal clock

4 Stories

High Blood Pressure Linked to Body Clock

Circadian clock possible key to better treatment of hypertension

(Newser) - Add high blood pressure to the long list of heightened risk factors for night shift workers, long-distance flight crews, and others with disturbances in the body's 24-hour clock. In findings with implications for treatment of hypertension, Japanese researchers working on mice have shown that the circadian clock directly controls a...

Genetic Test Reveals Your Body Clock

Simple mouth swab can separate the larks from the owls

(Newser) - A simple mouth swab can tell scientists who's naturally meant to get up early and could forever free people who like a morning snooze from accusations of laziness, the Daily Telegraph reports. The newly developed test reveals the activity of the genes that regulate a person's body clock and identifies...

To Beat Jet Lag, Skip Airline Food

Fasting can help reset your internal clock, study says

(Newser) - Jet lag can be beaten—if passengers avoid airline food, new research suggests. The timing of meals has a profound effect on the body's internal rhythms, and passengers who go without for a while—keeping the body's "food-related clock" in check—can dodge much of the exhausting effects of...

From Night Owl to Early Bird?
From Night Owl to Early Bird?

From Night Owl to Early Bird?

Altering caffeine, light, can help mold sleep patterns

(Newser) - For those wide-eyed deep into the night, rising and shining with the early birds might seem like an elusive dream that comes to a jarring end each morning. But for this 5% to 30% of the population, understanding circadian rhythms can benefit their tired eyes more than chugging coffee. The...

4 Stories