California Supreme Court

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Court: California Pot Law Doesn't Extend to Inmates

Justices decide 5-2 that voters didn't intend to let prisoners have marijuana

(Newser) - Prison inmates can't legally possess marijuana under California's law allowing recreational pot, the state Supreme Court ruled 5-2 Thursday in overturning a lower court that found prisoners could have the drug as long as they didn't consume it. The justices said the 2019 appellate court ruling allowing...

A Big First Could Be Coming for California's Supreme Court

Governor nominates openly gay justice

(Newser) - For the first time in California's history, the state's Supreme Court could have an openly gay justice. Martin Jenkins was nominated to the high court by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday; if confirmed, he would also be the third Black man to ever sit on the court, the...

Court Backs 'ABC' Test: 'This Could Ruin the Gig Economy'

California's top court makes it harder for companies to have independent contractors

(Newser) - A new ruling from the California Supreme Court might mean big trouble for the business model of companies such as Uber and Lyft. The upshot is that Monday's decision makes it harder for companies to classify employees as independent contractors, reports the Los Angeles Times . "This could ruin...

Court: Cops Can Read Your Texts Without a Warrant

Calif. court decides suspects' cell phones can be searched after arrest

(Newser) - Police in California don't need a warrant to check messages on suspects' cell phones, the state's Supreme Court decided yesterday. The court decided 5-2 that cell phones, like clothing, can be subjected to warrantless searches after a suspect is arrested, AP reports.The two dissenting justices argued that US Supreme...

Calif. Illegals Have Right to In-State Tuition: Court

Undocumented who went to state high schools qualify for lower rates

(Newser) - California's Supreme Court has upheld a law allowing illegal immigrants to pay the same lower tuition fees as legal residents. The court decided that the law—which extends in-state tuition rates to anybody who studied at a California high school for 3 years before entering a university—is not based...

Los Angeles Airport's Hare Krishna Ban Upheld

Group barred from seeking donations from LAX passengers

(Newser) - Travelers should be able to pass through the nation's third-busiest airport without being hassled for cash by Hare Krishnas, California's Supreme Court ruled yesterday. The court decided that banning panhandling at Los Angeles Airport by the Krishnas or any other group doesn't violate free speech guarantees. The decision ends the...

Calif. Gay Rights Group Delays Push for Marriage

(Newser) - One of California's biggest and most influential gay rights groups says it will delay a ballot push to overcome the state's ban on same-sex marriage until 2012, the Los Angeles Times reports. Equality California, which led the failed effort to defeat Prop 8 in November, says there is too little...

Gay-Marriage Supporters Take to Streets After Ruling

Opponents of marriage ban sad but not surprised

(Newser) - Supporters of same-sex marriage were disappointed but not surprised by the California Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold Proposition 8, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, as a crowd that had gathered at the state courthouse moved through city streets, blocking traffic and prompting arrest. “This is a serious...

Calif. Gay-Marriage Ruling Comes Next Week

(Newser) - The California state Supreme Court will issue its opinion on gay marriage Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports. The court will rule on three questions, including two challenges to the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex nuptials. One challenge comes from gay-rights lawyers who argue that Prop 8 was...

Stymied, Calif. Gay Activists Rally Grass-Roots Effort

(Newser) - Gay-marriage proponents in California are taking a page—and some staff—from the Obama campaign in an attempt to swing conservative votes, the Wall Street Journal reports. Many believe Proposition 8 passed because there was little outreach to districts that voted for the ban. “They would fly over from...

Calif. Supreme Court Hears Prop 8 Arguments

Court weighs constitutionality of ballot initiative, effect on couples married before the ban

(Newser) - California Supreme Court justices heard arguments today on lawsuits seeking to overturn the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage as thousands demonstrated outside the San Francisco courthouse. Gay-rights advocates are urging the court to overturn Proposition 8 on the grounds it was put before voters improperly, or at least prematurely....

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow
  Calif. Prop 8 Back 
  in Court Tomorrow 

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow

(Newser) - Protesters around California are gearing up for tomorrow's state Supreme Court session on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the voter referendum that banned gay marriage, the Los Angeles Times reports. The decision isn’t due for 3 months, but the opinion is already written, and the court's stand may be...

Brown Asks Court to Overturn Prop. 8

Calif. AG argues popular vote should not void personal liberties

(Newser) - California’s attorney general has reversed position and asked the state’s supreme court to void the ban on gay marriage enacted by voters in November, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Jerry Brown said in a filing yesterday that Proposition 8 is "inconsistent with the guarantees of individual liberty"...

Prop 8 Furor Squeezes Calif. Court

Groups would move to oust any high court members who overturn gay-marriage ban

(Newser) - California’s moderately conservative Supreme Court faces pressure from both fronts of the gay-marriage battle, the Los Angeles Times reports. Opponents of Proposition 8—including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger—are collecting arguments for why the amendment should be struck down, while supporters have promised to oust judges who rule the other...

Prop 8 Should Take Effect Amid Suits: Calif. AG

Aims to avoid marriages in legal limbo if bill is upheld

(Newser) - As gay-rights campaigners petition the California Supreme Court to overturn Proposition 8, the state’s attorney general is urging the court to let the measure banning same-sex marriage take effect. Jerry Brown asked the court to rule on the lawsuits to give the question “certainty and finality”—and...

Calif. Dems Urge State Court to Dump Gay Marriage Ban

Supporters call move a 'hail mary'

(Newser) - Democratic legislators in California have filed a brief calling on the state Supreme Court to reject a ballot proposition that would ban gay marriage in the state, the Los Angeles Times reports. The measure, Proposition 8, passed by some 500,000 votes. The lawmakers argue that such sweeping change would...

'Til Voters Do Us Part: What Happens to Gay Marrieds if Ban Passes?

(Newser) - If California’s gay marriage ban passes, “legal chaos” will ensue for those who tied the knot since it became legal to do so in June, lawyers warn. With no court precedents, experts are left guessing whether those marriages would remain valid, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ultimately, the...

Pitt Donates $100K to Fight for Gay Marriage

Actor cuts check as California ballot on wedding ban looms

(Newser) - Brad Pitt has become the biggest celebrity ally in the fight to uphold California’s gay marriage law, with a $100,000 donation toward the cause. The law allowing gays to marry could be repealed in November, when Californians vote on the fiercely contested Proposition 8. Pitt and partner Angelina...

Religion No Excuse for Not Treating Gays: Calif. Court

Doctors cannot avoid homosexual patients

(Newser) - California doctors must provide services to gays and lesbians in line with all other patients, even if it conflicts with their religious beliefs, the state’s supreme court ruled today. The justices unanimously shot down an effort by a San Diego County fertility clinic's physicians to use religion as grounds...

Calif. Court Leaves Gay Marriage Ban on the Ballot

Sides prepare for November showdown

(Newser) - A voter initiative to ban gay marriage is staying on California’s ballot this November, the state’s supreme court ruled unanimously yesterday, setting the stage for a bitter November battle. Gay rights groups had argued that the proposition was an illegal constitutional revision, and that petitions for the initiative...

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