MD-80 series

3 Stories

American Airlines Cleared to Fly Again

All but 3 jets are flying today and schedule will resume tomorrow

(Newser) - Federal officials cleared American Airlines today to resume flying all but three of its grounded MD-80 jets, the AP reports. American wanted to run a full schedule today, but "we still need to get the planes positioned for their next flights," a company spokesman said. The full fleet...

More Trouble With American's MD-80 Fleet: Landing Gear

23 failures for planes beset by wiring woes

(Newser) - In one of 23 such instances recently, an American Airlines pilot told CNN that troubles with the landing gear in his Boeing MD-80 forced him to return to Minneapolis moments after takeoff in December. Problems with the gear knocked out the anti-icing system in the plane, which is at the...

Delta Latest to Cancel Flights
 Delta Latest to Cancel Flights 

Delta Latest to Cancel Flights

Following American's shutdown, voluntary inspections ground older planes

(Newser) - Delta Airlines canceled dozens of flights today and tomorrow after voluntarily grounding 133 of its older jets for inspections, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports. As with American Airlines, Delta is checking wiring on some McDonnell-Douglas jets to ensure compliance with FAA directives. "It's an inconvenience," one traveler said,...

3 Stories