the senior vote

6 Stories

Worried Florida Seniors Waver on McCain

Key voting bloc, once reliably red, could sink GOP in state

(Newser) - Florida's seniors aren’t looking like such a sure thing for John McCain, the Washington Post reports, casting a big shadow for the GOP over the Sunshine State. Blocks of retirees once solidly behind the GOP are now wavering, fraught with worry about disappearing pensions and climbing health care prices....

Young Jews Lobby Vital Fla. Voters: Nana and Bubbeh

Silverman urges 'Great Schlep' for Obama

(Newser) - The 2008 election is so important that some Jewish kids may actually visit their grandparents voluntarily. That's the theory behind “The Great Schlep,” an initiative urging young Jews to fly to Florida over Columbus Day weekend and lobby their relatives for Barack Obama. The sponsor is a pro-Obama...

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama
 Oldsters Not Diggin'
 Whippersnapper Obama

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama

Seniors see their worldview in McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is facing an unusually pronounced generation gap among voters: though normally apathetic young people are supporting him in droves, those over 65 are leaning heavily toward John McCain—a fact that’s keeping the race tight, the Washington Post reports. And seniors have a loud voice on Election...

Gender and Race Aside, Age Pushes to Fore

Boomers, seniors split on whether to support fellow oldster

(Newser) - Now that a primary season fraught with racism and sexism has ended, the nation now gears up to face its general-election gremlin: ageism. While John McCain, 71, may joke that the primary qualification to be president is "to be very, very, very, very old," the New York Times...

Clintonites Soldier On in W. Va.

With 20-point lead, Clinton stumps heavily in Mountain State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and her supporters are canvassing heavily in West Virginia despite a 20-point lead and little competition, the Baltimore Sun reports. “We are all pretty inspired,” said one Clintonite on the eve of the state's primary. But Clinton and her family were the only politicos stumping across...

Age, not Race, Beat Barack in Pennsylvania
Age, not Race, Beat Barack in Pennsylvania

Age, not Race, Beat Barack in Pennsylvania

With 40% of voters over 60, the 'Grandma Bloc' made Hillary's win

(Newser) - The best explanation for Hillary Clinton's big win in Pennsylvania was not race but age, Jonathan Alter argues in Newsweek. A remarkable 40% of the voters in Tuesday’s primary were over 60, and Barack Obama’s 41-59% defeat in the demographic was the killer. Pennsylvania is second only to...

6 Stories