favorability rating

17 Stories

Trump's Popularity Has Spiked
Has Spiked

Trump's Popularity Has Spiked

Welcome to the 'honeymoon phase'

(Newser) - Twitter wars apparently aren't putting a dent in voters' opinion of Donald Trump. His popularity has soared since the election, according to a poll from Politico and Morning Consult . The national survey conducted Wednesday to Friday shows 46% of voters have a favorable opinion of Trump with a...

Poll: Trump Would Be Most Disliked Nominee Ever

His unfavorable rating hits 67%

(Newser) - The Republican Party establishment can't be thrilled with this milestone: A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that Donald Trump has a 67% unfavorable rating, meaning that if he secures the nomination, he'd be "more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been...

5 Fictional Presidents More Popular Than Obama
President Underwood Is
More Popular Than Obama
new survey

President Underwood Is More Popular Than Obama

And he has, you know, killed people

(Newser) - Bad news for President Obama: Even Scandal's cheating, borderline-alcoholic President Grant and House of Cards' murderous, lying President Underwood are more popular than he is. A Reuters -Ipsos poll compared Obama to a bunch of fictional TV presidents, and the results were not good for Obama. His approval rate...

Most Support Citizenship Path for Illegal Immigrants

48% not happy with how Obama is handling immigration: poll

(Newser) - Once the fiscal cliff has been put to bed, immigration reform will reportedly be President Obama's No. 1 priority , and a series of surveys indicate most voters will be behind him. Some 62% of American voters support giving illegal or undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, a new poll...

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points
 Poll: Obama Up 
 by 6 Points 

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points

Negatives up for Obama and Romney, but overall, few changes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, the shooting at the Aurora theater, the Bain Capital debate, and a mediocre jobs report have hit the headlines in the last 30 days, but none of it seems to be having much of an effect on the presidential polls. President Obama is up...

Obama Has Staggering 13-Point Lead Over Romney
Obama Has Staggering 13-Point Lead Over Romney
new poll

Obama Has Staggering 13-Point Lead Over Romney

But take poll with 'big grain of salt': Kornacki

(Newser) - The political world is buzzing today over a new Bloomberg poll that shows Barack Obama clobbering Mitt Romney by a whopping 53% to 40% margin. This comes despite voters widely disapproving of Obama's handling of the economy—only 43% approve, while 53% disapprove. So why is Obama winning? Because...

GOP Women Help Mitt Close Ratings Gap

Obama remains far ahead on enthusiasm, but independents split

(Newser) - Now that Mitt Romney has finally clinched the Republican nomination, the party appears to be rallying around him, boosting his favorable numbers, according to a new Washington Post / ABC poll. Romney's favorable rating still trails President Obama's, but the 52%-41% gap is much closer than last month'...

Cain's Poll Numbers Head South

Meanwhile, Gingrich surging, Ron Paul suddenly strong

(Newser) - For the most part, people who liked Herman Cain before his sexual harassment scandal still like him—but they’re pretty much the only ones. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Cain’s unfavorability rating has shot up 17 points, with 44% of the public viewing him negatively...

Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Poll Numbers

Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy

More fault him, and 50% say he doesn't deserve re-election

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s health care victory doesn't seem to have helped him with voters struggling in the recession. (The president isn't much bothered by the early polls.) In a new USA Today/Gallup poll, roughly 50% said Obama deserved at least some blame for the economy, with 26% saying he...

At Least Michelle's Still Popular
 At Least Michelle's 
 Still Popular 
Poll Numbers

At Least Michelle's Still Popular

First lady's approval rating soars over her husband's

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval ratings are sinking, but Michelle Obama’s remain sky-high, with 71% of the country holding a favorable opinion of her. Only 16% of respondents in a new Pew Research survey held a negative view of the first lady. That puts her well above Hillary Clinton and...

Michelle Follows Barack Down in Polls

55% approval rating lowest since Barack took office

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is still more popular than her husband, but America appears to have become more disenchanted with her as well. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey has the first lady’s approval at 55%, the lowest level since Barack Obama was sworn in almost a year ago, when Michelle polled...

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger
 Record Drop in Poll for Tiger 

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger

52-point falloff in favorability is the biggest for anyone, ever

(Newser) - Tiger Woods’ favorable rating in a weekend poll is just 33%, down from 85% the last time he was rated—June 2005—in the most precipitous decline since Gallup began tracking the metric in 1992. “The drop is definitely unprecedented,” a Gallup editor tells USA Today , particularly considering...

52% Think Ambition Moved Palin to Quit

(Newser) - A majority of Americans believe Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska to further her own political career rather than to help her state. A CBS News poll found that 52% see personal ambition behind her decision, while 24% accept her explanation. Only 23% have a favorable view of the...

Poll: Obama Is Most-Liked Candidate Since Reagan

Palin's high negatives dragging down Mac

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the most well-liked first-term presidential candidate in 28 years, New York Times/CBS polls found. More than half of voters, 53%, have a favorable impression of the Illinois senator, a 10-point increase over last month. And though John McCain’s approval ratings held steady, voters with a negative...

'Palin Factor' Levels Race
 'Palin Factor' Levels Race

'Palin Factor' Levels Race

McCain tied with Obama in latest poll

(Newser) - John McCain has erased Barack Obama's lead, transforming the presidential race to a statistical dead heat, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Obama's lead among women dropped from 10 to 4 points since August, which is largely attributed to Sarah Palin's popularity, reports MSNBC.

Obama Brings Change, McCain Seen as Old: Poll

In public's perception, good and bad for both presidential candidates

(Newser) - Asked to volunteer a single word about presidential candidates, a majority of Americans offer “change” or “outsider” for Barack Obama and “old” for John McCain, an AP poll finds. The Democrat is perceived as warmer and more empathetic; the Republican is seen as stronger and tougher. Obama...

Clinton Narrows Ore. Deficit, Holds Ky. Lead

Disparity in views of Obama from state to state vary wildly

(Newser) - On the eve of Democratic primaries in Oregon and Kentucky, polls show some movement in support for the candidates, the Boston Globe reports:
  • Barack Obama once held a double-digit lead in Oregon, but two surveys today put him up only 4 points (45%-41%) and 5 points (50%-45%).

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