
5 Stories

White House Responds, With Civility
White House Responds,
With Civility

White House Responds, With Civility

Brooks still hates the budget, but he applauds new tone

(Newser) - In the Bush years, publishing a New York Times op-ed criticizing the White House could get your wife outed as an undercover CIA agent. But when David Brooks wrote earlier this week that the 2010 budget was too liberal, the Obama administration was much gentler—he got calls from four...

'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap
'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap

'Radical' Budget Aims to Shrink Income Gap

Overhauling tax code, Obama's plans would reverse 30-year trend

(Newser) - Barack Obama's first budget is, above all, an attempt to shrink the gap between rich and poor that has grown rapidly for 30 years, writes David Leonhardt of the New York Times. The "bold, even radical" budget hikes taxes on the rich while dropping them to their lowest point...

'Intangible' Jobs—Health, Education—Are US' Best Bet

Knowledge-based sector gains jobs; those making homes, autos disappearing

(Newser) - The job market may be hitting rock bottom, but the “intangible" sector of the economy—comprising industries that, like health care and education, produce nothing concrete but have long-lasting effects—could be the best path for development, writes economist Michael Mandel in BusinessWeek. “Tangible” industries—like manufacturing—have...

With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan
With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan

With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan

Presidential hopeful's top priorities would cost hundreds of billions

(Newser) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama promises change, but if he’s elected in the current uncertain economy, those changes may come later rather than sooner, the Wall Street Journal reports. Obama’s big economic priorities–government-sponsored health care for millions, greenhouse-gas reductions, and tax increases—leave the government with...

Obama Will Plunge US Into Recession
Obama Will Plunge US Into Recession

Obama Will Plunge US Into Recession

Dem's plans would spell disaster, says wonk for first Bush

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign promises on the economy—particularly on taxes and trade—would be a disaster for Americans at all income levels, an adviser to the first President Bush writes in the Wall Street Journal. On “tax, spending, energy, regulatory, and trade policy, if the proposals espoused by...

5 Stories