Kappa Kappa Gamma

3 Stories

Now UConn Boots Frat in 'Bacon' Hazing

SAE gets kicked out for 5 years over sorority hazing incident

(Newser) - It's not every day a fraternity gets itself kicked out over sorority hazing, but UConn has unceremoniously dumped Sigma Alpha Epsilon on the heels of giving Kappa Kappa Gamma the boot last week—both over hazing allegations by a former member of the sorority who said she was forced...

UConn Boots Sorority Over 'Bacon Hazing'

Sophomore: I was told to 'lay on the floor and sizzle like bacon'

(Newser) - Another day, another Greek organization shut down on a college campus over hazing—but the case of the University of Connecticut's Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority is rather ... unique. Sophomore Hillary Holt is charging that she and others were hazed at the school's Sigma Alpha Epsilon frat house, and...

Anthrax Suspect Was Obsessed With Sorority

Link to Kappa Kappa Gamma helps explain some puzzling details

(Newser) - The top suspect in the 2001 anthrax attacks was fixated on a sorority that has a chapter within 100 yards of the New Jersey mailbox from which the toxin-laced letters were sent, the AP reports. Federal officials say scientist Bruce Ivins had been obsessed with Kappa Kappa Gamma since his...

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