streaming video

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Streaming Sites Thwart Studios' Piracy Crackdowns

Industry fears revenue meltdown as watching pirated video online goes mainstream

(Newser) - The rise of video streaming sites has defeated movie studios' toughest anti-piracy efforts, the New York Times reports. Consumers can watch copyrighted material online—often from sites hosted in countries with slack anti-piracy rules—more easily than ever. The industry estimates "digital theft" now accounts for 40% of...

Live-Streaming Websites Smash Records With Obama

(Newser) - Websites streaming video of the inauguration reported record activity today, while a partnership between Facebook and CNN enabled thousands of people a minute to comment on the proceedings, Crain's reports. By late afternoon, CNN reported 21.3 million live video streams, while MSNBC had 9 million live streams and 5...

Netflix From Web to TV? You've Got Options

Blu-ray setup, Xbox and custom-built player all serviceable options

(Newser) - For those who disdain DVDs and won’t watch movies on computers, there are perfectly passable devices that get streaming video from Netflix to your TV, Nick Wingfield writes in the Wall Street Journal after testing an LG Blu-ray player, the Xbox game console, and a purpose-built device from Roku....

Florida Teen Kills Himself on Web TV as Viewers LOL

Users egged on bodybuilder as he swallowed pills

(Newser) - A Florida teenager broadcast his hours-long suicide on an internet video-streaming channel as viewers watched, reports Newteevee. After threatening to kill himself on, the teen was egged on by viewers as well as posters on a chat room he used. The young bodybuilder, 19, took a fatal overdose...

TiVo Brings Netflix to a TV Near You

Companies finally join forces to offer streaming video

(Newser) - Starting in December, TiVo owners will be able to watch Netflix movies and TV episodes on their televisions, Ars Technica reports. Consumers will need to own a compatible TiVo device and subscribe to both services to get access to over 12,000 movies and shows. The companies first discussed a...

Met Lifts Curtain on Opera You Don't Have to Dress Up for

Icon will stream shows, broadcasts online

(Newser) - New York's Metropolitan Opera will soon be offering a new viewing experience: online streaming of performances dating back to 1937. Next week, on the 125th anniversary of its first show, the Met will unveil its online, on-demand service, reports the New York Times. If you can get past the glitches,...

NHL Snaps It Up Online
 NHL Snaps It Up Online 

NHL Snaps It Up Online

Boosts online coverage of hockey games

(Newser) - The National Hockey League is increasing its online footprint with expanded game coverage on the web. One game each day will be offered online to America's 20 million hockey fans with multiple camera angles and on-demand playback. The league has moved to Flash-based video that more Mac and PC users...

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