
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies
Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies

Shorter Women Tend to Have Shorter Pregnancies

Maternal height appears to influence gestational age

(Newser) - The height and weight of a newborn baby is largely governed by his or her own genes, but it's the height of the mother that's giving researchers a telltale sign, reports the Telegraph . Specifically, shorter women have shorter pregnancies and thus more premature babies, report investigators at the...

Oklahoma Mom's Limbs Amputated After Tick Bite

6 days after a Grand Lake holiday trip, Jo Rogers' organs shut down

(Newser) - A Fourth of July hike to see waterfalls near Grand Lake, Okla., took a bad turn once Jo Rogers and her husband, Keith, got home. Soon after their return, Keith tells ABC News , Jo didn't feel well and suspected the flu. But as Jo got sicker and so lethargic...

Mom Drowns in Lake Erie Trying to Save 2 Girls

The girls, including her daughter, are OK

(Newser) - A Buffalo mom tried to save her 11-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old friend after they ran into trouble in the rough waves of Lake Erie, but she ended up drowning herself, WIVB reports. Evans police received a distress call from Wendt Beach just before 7pm yesterday, reports the Buffalo News ...

Mom&#39;s Honest Pic of &#39;Perfect&#39; Post-Baby Body Goes Viral
Mom's Honest Pic of 'Perfect' Post-Baby Body Goes Viral

Mom's Honest Pic of 'Perfect' Post-Baby Body Goes Viral

Kimberly Henderson's 'flabby belly' inspires

(Newser) - What's sexier than a six-pack? Rocking a "flabby belly" and stretch marks, says mother of four and musician Kimberly Henderson. After fans told her she had a "perfect" body, Henderson bravely uploaded an "unedited" selfie of her bare belly to Facebook for all to see, reports...

Study: Kids' Amount of Mom Time 'Matters Little'

'In an ideal world, this study would alleviate parents' guilt,' says researcher

(Newser) - If you're dogged by guilt over the amount of time you spend with your kids, read on: In "Does the Amount of Time Mothers Spend With Children or Adolescents Matter?" researchers conclude that "for the most part, it matters very little," they write . They found that...

Mom's Proud Photo of 'Flabby' Bikini Body Goes Viral

Rachel Hollis boldly declares, 'I have stretch marks and I wear a bikini'

(Newser) - "I have stretch marks and I wear a bikini." So begins the bold caption under Rachel Hollis' equally bold Facebook photo : one that shows the mother of three at a Cancun beach with her "permanently flabby" belly exposed, and one that's been liked more than 375,...

If You Were Breastfed, You&#39;ll End Up Earning More
If You Were Breastfed,
You'll End Up Earning More
study says

If You Were Breastfed, You'll End Up Earning More

And have a higher IQ, Brazilian study finds

(Newser) - The benefits of breastfeeding extend long beyond childhood, a decades-long study finds. Researchers have been keeping tabs on a group of Brazilian children since 1982, and recently, they checked in with some 3,500 of them to see how they're doing as adults. Interviews and an IQ test found...

Mom, Daughter Give Birth 34 Minutes Apart

Tampa hospital has an unusual dual delivery

(Newser) - At 6:29pm on Feb. 19, Angela Patram gave birth to her fifth child. Just 34 minutes later, she became a grandma. Tampa General Hospital explains the unusual occurrence: Patram, 37, and her daughter, Teranisha Billups, 20, ended up giving birth on the same day, in rooms next door to...

Moms With More Kids Get More Done at Work

But research comes with some caveats

(Newser) - Having kids doesn't hurt a mom's performance at work; in fact, it may enhance it, a study suggests. Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (who are all male, the Washington Post reports) found that in the span of three decades, moms were more productive than...

MIT Hackathon Goal: A Better Breast Pump

Given the health benefits, change is way overdue, say organizers

(Newser) - It might not be the first thing that comes to mind after the word "hackathon," but organizers of an upcoming one at MIT say the world is long overdue for a better breast pump. Engineers, designers, moms, and health experts will gather later this month for reasons spelled...

More Moms Staying Home Full-Time: Pew

Decades-old trend is reversed

(Newser) - Fifteen years ago, only 23% of moms didn't have jobs outside their homes—a modern low. If 2012's numbers are any clue, however, things are changing: The figure rose to 29%, Pew Research reports. The climbing numbers turn a three-decade trend upside down. What's changed? The AP...

Judge: Mom Can Ban Dad From Delivery Room

NJ judge cites woman's right to privacy

(Newser) - A first-of-its-kind ruling is not likely to win much favor with fathers. A woman may ban her baby's daddy from the delivery room during birth, a New Jersey judge decided in a November court hearing as a mother gave her arguments ... while in labor. "The intensity was at...

Maryland Mother Kills Her Toddlers in 'Exorcism'

2 older siblings also hurt but expected to survive

(Newser) - A Maryland mother and a second woman stand accused of killing two toddlers and attempting to kill two more in what they say was an exorcism. The Washington Post reports that 1-year-old Norell Harris and 2-year-old Zyana Harris were found stabbed multiple times and dead in the bed of their...

More Women Breast-Feeding
 More Women Breast-Feeding 

More Women Breast-Feeding

3 in 4 moms at least try, says CDC

(Newser) - Health officials say breast-feeding rates continue to inch up: Now more than 3 in 4 mothers try to breast-feed their newborns. Rates remain highest in Idaho and lowest in Mississippi, and experts attribute that to regional differences in culture and workplace policies that support breast-feeding. The CDC report shows that...

Man Recognizes Suspected Bank Robber: It's Mom!

Dee Ann Sanders charged on Tuesday

(Newser) - When it comes to citizens turning in accused criminals, it's hard to top this one. A Michigan man called police to tell them that he could ID the woman seen robbing a bank in surveillance photos: dear ol' mom. Even better: Dean Badger told authorities they could find her...

Soaring C-Sections Level Off, Women Waiting Longer

More women having C-sections at 39 to 40 weeks

(Newser) - Cesarean sections, long decried as ubiquitous, costly, and often unnecessary, have halted a dozen years of consecutive increases, finds a new federal report . The rate of C-sections was flat, at 31.3%, from 2009 to 2011, and mothers-to-be are waiting until closer to their due dates to go under the...

'Crack Babies' Not Such a Big Worry After All

Factors other than cocaine may have fueled 1980s fears

(Newser) - All that time spent worrying about "crack babies" in the 1980s may have been for naught: Researchers reviewed 27 previous studies involving some 5,000 teens whose mothers had been cocaine users during pregnancy and found little proof of any major long-term ill effects. Though the kids (all from...

Mother of Mother's Day Came to Hate It

Why? This year's average amount of $169 on gifts is a hint

(Newser) - It's Mother's Day, and Forbes blogger Steve Cooper quantifies the ways Americans will show their appreciation: Figure $169 spent per mom this year, up from $152 last year, with a record 14% planning to buy some kind of electronic gadget as the big gift. Jewelry will be tops...

Worst Place to Be a Mom Is...

Democratic Republic of Congo, according to new report

(Newser) - The toughest place in the world for mothers? The Democratic Republic of Congo, according to a new report from Save the Children. The nonprofit organization looked at factors including health, education, income, and child mortality in 176 countries, the BBC reports. The bottom 10 are all in sub-Saharan Africa, where...

Boys May Shorten Their Moms&#39; Lives
 Boys May 
 Shorten Their 
 Moms' Lives 
study says

Boys May Shorten Their Moms' Lives

And not just because they become teenage boys

(Newser) - Are sons bad for your health? A Finnish study finds that women who had several don't live as long after the last birth as do women who have daughters. The research, however, may be a bit dated: Researchers reviewed 300 years of parish data, and most of the women...

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