National Governors Association

14 Stories

GOP Governor, Biden Toast to Civility in Politics

'It's just not like it was,' president tells gathering

(Newser) - President Biden and Utah Gov. Spencer Cox disagree on many issues, but they were united Saturday in calling for less bitterness in politics and more bipartisanship. "Politics has gotten too personally bitter," said Biden, who has been in the field since he was elected to the Senate in...

Govs Meet in 'Harmony,' Immediately Start Squabbling

Doesn't take long for things to unravel after White House meeting

(Newser) - The chief executives of the nation's 50 great states emerged from a White House meeting with President Obama today apparently "claiming harmony," as per the AP . So that Kumbaya vibe took mere seconds to descend into a bickerfest held on-camera in front of the West Wing. Lowlights...

Obama Preaches Value of Education to Governors

Speech seen as message to tight-pursed GOP governors

(Newser) - President Obama today urged the nation's governors to invest more state resources in education, saying that a highly skilled workforce is crucial for the US to remain competitive with other countries. "The fact is that too many states are making cuts in education that I think are simply...

GOP Governors Not Touching 2012 Race

Some fret over dividing party, others think endorsements don't matter

(Newser) - The National Governors Association gathered in Washington over the weekend—and though DC is abuzz over who the GOP nominee will be, most Republican governors are resolutely sitting on their hands. The majority haven't yet endorsed a candidate, and probably won't until the nomination is near, Politico notes—...

Jan Brewer 'Too Busy' to Attend Obama Dinner

Arizona governor says she has 'priorities'

(Newser) - When you're busy, you're busy—and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is just too busy to attend the White House dinner for the nation's governors tonight, she said on Meet the Press. "You know, I am a governor," she said. "I've got priorities."...

Obama Backs Letting States Out of Parts of Health Reform

Sticks up for unions in governors' meeting

(Newser) - President Obama intends to back legislation enabling states to duck some of the more onerous mandates of the new health care law—provided they can demonstrate that they could cover just as many people in some other way. “I think that’s a reasonable proposal; I support it,”...

Schwarzenegger Backs Obama on Health Care, Stimulus

Dismisses GOP demands to start from scratch as 'bogus talk'

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger had a private chat with Barack Obama yesterday, following a National Governors Association meeting at the White House, and crossed party lines to back the president for the second time in as many days. He applauded Obama for bringing Republicans into the health care discussion, and chided Republicans...

Obama to Govs: Stimulus Check's in the Mail

Devaney helped nab Jack Abramoff

(Newser) - Within 2 days, the White House will begin distributing $15 billion to states to help them pay for Medicaid for the poor, the president said today at a National Governors' Association meeting. "That means that by the time most of you get home, money will be waiting to help...

Sebelius Mum on HHS Post
 Sebelius Mum on HHS Post 

Sebelius Mum on HHS Post

Kansas gov says she's had no meetings on joining the Obama Cabinet

(Newser) - Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, mentioned as a top candidate for health secretary, said today she has not talked with President Barack Obama about joining his Cabinet. "There really isn't anything to tell. I haven't had any meetings about the position," Sebelius, 60, said in an interview with the...

GOP Guvs Break With Party on Obama Stimulus

Desperate for cash, they embrace measure DC counterparts spurn

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s relationship with DC Republicans is on the rocks, but he couldn’t be getting along better with GOP governors, reports the New York Times. Why? Follow the money. Struggling to balance their budgets, the governors don’t care which party help comes from. “The essence of...

Guvs to Obama: Public Works Projects Will Take Time

Programs may take a while to start

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s plan to throw hundreds of billions of dollars into state infrastructure projects may not be as effective as he imagines in stimulating the economy, some state officials say. Yesterday, governors told the president-elect that they had $136 billion in projects ready to go, but the National Governors...

Obama Pledges Money for States at Govs' Meeting

Offers 'hand of friendship' to Republicans as well

(Newser) - States can count on some federal greenbacks soon, Barack Obama promised today in an appearance at the National Governor’s Association conference, reports CNN. Obama said he understood the budget shortfalls 41 states are facing this year or next and that help would be coming. “To my Republican colleagues,...

Obama, Biden Will Huddle With Governors on Economy

GOP participants may resist further bailouts

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Joe Biden will discuss measures to help the ailing economy with America’s governors next Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reports, with a two-hour, bipartisan working session in Philadelphia. GOP governors are “looking forward” to hearing Obama’s ideas, but will definitely bring plans of their...

Palin Charged Alaska $21K for Children's Travel

Uninvited children were said to be on 'official business'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin billed the state of Alaska repeatedly for costs incurred by her children accompanying her on trips, sometimes altering expense reports to indicate that they were on official business even though they were not invited, an investigation by the AP finds. Palin charged the state a total of $21,...

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