Dean Barkley

3 Stories

Coleman Beats Franken by 762 Votes

Dem demands a recount in Minnesota's squeaker Senate race

(Newser) - Norm Coleman has defeated Al Franken in one of Minnesota's tightest Senate elections ever, declares the AP. The GOP incumbent led by 762 votes out of nearly 2.9 million cast. Coleman had 42.03%, Franken 42%, and third-party candidate Dean Barley 15%. But the former comedian has not conceded...

Franken Race Too Close to Call
 Franken Race Too Close to Call 

Franken Race Too Close to Call

Recount looms as Minnesota Senate contest goes down to the wire

(Newser) - Minnesotans may have to wait days to learn the winner of their state's close-fought Senate race, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken are locked in a dead heat, and the winning margin will almost certainly be slender enough to trigger an automatic...

Ugly Debate Wraps Up Minn. Senate Race

Coleman, Franken trade insults in front of catcalling audience

(Newser) - Minnesota's Senate race is going down to the wire, and a debate last night in St. Paul between Norm Coleman and Al Franken descended into angry, personal attacks. As the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports, Franken laid into the GOP incumbent for taking money from a "political sugar daddy," ...

3 Stories
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