Hugh Hewitt

5 Stories

Cruz Hopes McConaughey Stays Out of Texas Race

A 'charming, affable movie star' can be a force in a race, senator concedes

(Newser) - Matthew McConaughey would have plenty going for him in a Texas campaign for governor, Sen. Ted Cruz acknowledged Thursday. "He's a movie star," Cruz said, "and a good-looking, charming, affable movie star can be a really formidable candidate on the ballot." That doesn't mean...

After Orlando, Rubio Hedges on Possible Senate Rerun

He's said he won't run for re-election, but now tells radio host he's been thinking on 'a lot of things'

(Newser) - Everyone has had Orlando on their minds since Sunday's mass shooting , including Marco Rubio—and the attack has "deeply impacted" the senator so much that it's made him assess "a lot of things," he told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt Monday morning, per Politico . The...

Foreign Policy Questions Trip Up Trump

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt put Trump on the spot about terrorist groups

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have spent last night on Wikipedia after what the Washington Post describes as "some uncomfortable moments" during an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt yesterday. Touching upon foreign policy with the presidential candidate who's said he would be "so tough" on ISIS, Hewitt...

Trump Guard Takes Protester's Sign, Hits Him

Candidate flubs foreign policy interview

(Newser) - As Donald Trump pledged his loyalty to his own party inside Trump Tower yesterday, things got a little ugly outside. Police were called after Trump security guards scuffled with anti-Trump protesters on the sidewalk outside the New York City tower, NY1 reports. The guards took signs away from the protesters...

Election Predictors Who Got It Wrong

Many pundits ruled out Obama victory early

(Newser) - With the election over, what's more fun than calling out all those whose predictions were off—way off. Der Spiegel lists some highlights:
  • "He cannot win, Bill. He cannot win." Hillary Clinton, on Barack Obama
  • "We'll win Florida." Rudy Giuliani
  • "Virginians are really getting fired

5 Stories