movie concessions

3 Stories

Surprise Cash Cow for Movie Theaters: Popcorn Holders

Collectibles are proving to be a serious source of revenue, the Hollywood Reporter explains

(Newser) - As movie theaters rebound from the pandemic, a new source of revenue has come in at the concession stand that has nothing to do with Milk Duds or nachos. Limited edition popcorn holders—called "vessels" in the industry—are bringing in major cash, according to the Hollywood Reporter . These...

Theater Owners: No Calorie Counts on Our Popcorn!

But FDA rules loom

(Newser) - The FDA's final decision on publishing movie theater calorie counts is looming, and theater owners are fighting tooth and nail. Final rules could come from regulators today, forcing theaters to disclose exactly how many calories are in those huge buckets of popcorn, oversized pretzels, and other prepared foods, just like...

Movie, Munchie Sales Shrivel
 Movie, Munchie Sales Shrivel 

Movie, Munchie Sales Shrivel

Cash-strapped moviegoers forego snacks, according to latest sales stats

(Newser) - Some Americans seeking a break from economic news may be sitting in the dark in movie theaters—but they're apparently not eating their Raisinets. That's the news from two cinema companies reporting a major munchie drop off. Conventional wisdom holds that people can always afford a movie. Not so. Admission...

3 Stories
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