Ares I

3 Stories

Obama Budget Pulls Plug on Moon-Travel Program

Project over budget and behind schedule, administration complains

(Newser) - The proposed federal budget would end NASA’s Constellation program, a Bush administration effort to return to the moon, along with the Ares rocket the agency had intended as a replacement for the space shuttles. President Obama's budget plan said the program “was over budget, behind schedule and lacking...

Ares Test Rocket Blasts Off

Possible space shuttle replacement launches after long delay

(Newser) - NASA’s Ares I-X test rocket finally blasted off this morning, after several delays and a storm-foiled first attempt. The $445 million rocket is the first of its kind, and NASA hopes it’ll eventually replace the space shuttle and take astronauts to the moon. Originally it was supposed to...

For Sale: Space Shuttle, $42M
 For Sale: Space Shuttle, $42M 

For Sale: Space Shuttle, $42M

NASA seeking museums to purchase spacecraft after retirement

(Newser) - NASA is taking the unprecedented step of offering to sell the three space shuttles to museums when the workhorse vehicles are retired some time after 2010, reports the Orlando Sentinel. The space agency is seeking at least $42 million—including $6 million for shipping and handling, and the cost of...

3 Stories