anal sex

5 Stories

Yale Frat's Rape Chant Caught on Tape

'No means yes, yes means anal!' boys yelled as they marched

(Newser) - A major Yale fraternity was forced to apologize yesterday, after its members marched past the college’s Old Campus—where most first-year women are housed—chanting “No means yes, yes means anal,” and “F---ing sluts,” among other sexist comments. Several were blindfolded. The incident, part of...

Whoopi Calls Polanski Case 'Not Rape-Rape,' Triggers Uproar

Hollywood supporters facing off against angry feminists over sex with teen

(Newser) - Whoopi Goldberg's comment that Roman Polanski's sex with a 13-year-old girl wasn't really "rape-rape" has added fuel to the growing conflagration between the film director's Hollywood supporters and angry feminists. "I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape,...

Rush Has a Butt Fixation

 Rush Has 
 a Butt 

Rush Has a Butt Fixation

(Newser) - Lots of detractors say Rush Limbaugh talks out of his ass, but they’re missing something crucial, writes Gabriel Winant for Salon: He talks about his ass, too. And everyone else’s. Constantly. Limbaugh apparently has what Freud would call an anal fixation—specifically a fixation on anal rape. He’...

China Plans Sexy Theme Park

 China Plans 
 Sexy Theme Park 

China Plans Sexy Theme Park

(Newser) - China is about to topple taboos big time with giant plastic genitalia and sexual technique workshops at a new sex theme park, reports the BBC. "Love Land" is slated to open in Chongqing in October. "Sex is a taboo subject in China but people really need to have...

Porn Sucks Kissing Out of Intimacy
 Porn Sucks Kissing 
 Out of Intimacy 

Porn Sucks Kissing Out of Intimacy

Smut appears to be kiss of death for old-school practice

(Newser) - Pornography is changing our most intimate practices, Susan Walsh observes for Salon—and looks to have been the kiss of death for, well, kissing. “When I was growing up in the ‘70s, making out was an essential precursor to even the most casual sex,” she writes. Now,...

5 Stories