Pleasant Bridgewater

3 Stories

'Juror Leak' Sparks Travolta Mistrial

Alleged extortionists to face new trial after word of acquittal gets out

(Newser) - A Bahamian judge ordered a mistrial in the John Travolta extortion case yesterday after a loose-lipped juror apparently spread word that one of the two accused would be acquitted. The judge blamed juror misconduct after a local politician made a speech saying that a former senator—charged along with a...

Medic: Travolta Offered $15M to Hush
 Medic: Travolta 
 Offered $15M to Hush 

Medic: Travolta Offered $15M to Hush

Tarino Lightbourne tries to turn the tables on John Travolta at extortion trial

(Newser) - Jett Travolta was “dead, d-e-a-d, dead” before the ambulance arrived, Bahamian paramedic Tarino Lightbourne testified yesterday—adding that it was the Travoltas’ lawyer who offered him $15 million to destroy a “Refusal of Transport/Treatment” document signed by the actor. The paramedic is charged along with a former Bahamas...

'Medical Document' Used in Travolta Blackmail Plot

Document says Travolta 'refused treatment'

(Newser) - Two people arrested in an extortion plot against John Travolta allegedly attempted to blackmail the actor with a signed document purportedly revealing that he refused hospital treatment for his teenage son shortly before the boy's death, reports People. A Bahamian paramedic and the man's attorney pressed Travolta to buy a...

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