Staten Island Chuck

5 Stories

The Groundhogs Have Spoken
The Groundhogs
Have Spoken

The Groundhogs Have Spoken

The consensus: 6 more weeks of winter, unfortunately

(Newser) - We're in for six more weeks of winter if you're one to believe Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, and Weather Prophet Extraordinary. And yes, that is the groundhog's full title. Members of Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Groundhog Club who gathered at Phil'...

Rejoice, Winter: Groundhog Sees Shadow

Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter; Staten Island Chuck begs to differ

(Newser) - Like last year , Punxsutawney Phil rose early this morning, looked around, and doomed us all to six more weeks of winter, reports the AP . The official proclamation: "Forecasts abound on the Internet, but I, Punxsutawney Phil, am still your best bet. Yes, a shadow I see, you can...

Mayor de Blasio a Groundhog Killer?

Staten Island Chuck died a week after Groundhog Day fall

(Newser) - Staten Island Chuck has died, and he apparently didn't just peacefully pass on to "that big farm in the sky," as one NYC lawmaker puts it. Rather, as per the rather breathless New York Post , "Mayor Bill de Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands!"...

De Blasio Drops Groundhog
 De Blasio Drops 

De Blasio Drops Groundhog

NYC coincidentally in for 6 more weeks of winter

(Newser) - Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, but his Big Apple counterpart saw his shadow take a tumble: As the Staten Island Advance reports, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio fumbled and dropped Staten Island Chuck at this morning's large-rodent-as-weather-prognosticator festivities. Chuck—full name Charles G. Hogg—appears unharmed, though...

Groundhog Bites Bloomberg
 Groundhog Bites Bloomberg 

Groundhog Bites Bloomberg

Groundhog bite Mayor Mike Bloomberg

(Newser) - Winter may only last another six weeks, but this is one Groundhog Day that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will likely remember for a lot longer. Staten Island's resident groundhog, Chuck, bit Bloomberg on his left index finger during the annual ceremony that predicts the start of spring, the...

5 Stories