Tim Shriver

5 Stories

Star-Studded Farewell for Sargent Shriver

Kennedy in-law honored for life of service

(Newser) - His 19 grandchildren read short remembrances, U2 frontman Bono led mourners in singing "Forever Young" and fond memories and laughter filled a funeral service for R. Sargent Shriver, the 95-year-old statesman laid to rest this weekend. Shriver, who served as the Peace Corps' first director for brother-in-law John Kennedy...

Nixon-esque Pope Must Convert
 Nixon-esque Pope Must Convert 
Timothy Shriver

Nixon-esque Pope Must Convert

The Catholic Church is embroiled in its version of Watergate

(Newser) - The Catholic Church’s current scandal bears an uncanny resemblance to Watergate. What at first looks like an isolated crime has slowly escalated, ultimately revealing corruption at the highest levels of authority. The pope isn’t going to resign—the church isn’t a democracy, and it needn’t bow...

What's Wrong With 'Retard'
 What's Wrong With 'Retard' 

What's Wrong With 'Retard'

Slur diminishes 'the joy, hope, and sparkling individuality of millions'

(Newser) - In the wake of the furor over Rahm Emanuel and Rush Limbaugh's liberal use of the word "retard," Special Olympics CEO Tim Shriver reminds us why the word matters: it represents a damning and hurtful social stigma. Intellectual disabilities advocates aren't looking to ban the word "retard"...

Rahm Emanuel Apologizes for 'Retarded' Comment

Obama's chief of staff personally calls Special Olympics CEO

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel says he's sorry he called liberals “retarded” in August, and he has personally apologized to the CEO of the Special Olympics. "The apology was accepted,” a White House aide tells the Washington Post . The comment has drawn fire since it came to light, and it...

Apologetic Obama Invites Special Olympic Athletes

He reaches out after gaffe on Leno

(Newser) - The head of the Special Olympics said today that Barack Obama called to apologize for his cringe-inducing gaffe on the Tonight Show, even before the episode aired last night, the AP reports. "He apologized in a way that was very moving," Tim Shriver told ABC. "He expressed...

5 Stories