irregular heartbeat

9 Stories

Those 'Diet' Drinks May Boost Risk of Heart Condition

High consumption of sweetened beverages accompanied by increased risk of atrial fibrillation

(Newser) - If there's one takeaway from a new study analyzing health data from people who consume lots of sweetened beverages, it's that those beverages should be avoided, researchers say. "Do not take it for granted that drinking low-sugar and low-calorie artificially sweetened beverages is healthy—it may pose...

Coroner: Harry Morton Died of Irregular Heartbeat

Pink Taco founder, 38, also had coronary artery disease that contributed to death by natural causes

(Newser) - Pink Taco founder Harry Morton died unexpectedly in November at the age of 38—and now there's an official cause of death. People cites the determination by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner: Morton died of natural causes as the result of a probable cardiac arrhythmia, with "myocardial...

2 Get Life-Saving Surgery After Tip From Apple Watch

Device alerted UK men to irregular heartbeats

(Newser) - Two UK men have received life-saving surgery after their Apple Watches alerted them to irregular heartbeats. Paul Hutton of Bradfield, Essex, first visited a doctor after his Apple Watch—updated in September to notify users of irregular heart rates—alerted him that his rate kept dropping below 40 beats per...

Boy Goes Into Cardiac Arrest After Biting Into Hot Dog

Doctors say he has Brugada syndrome

(Newser) - When a 9-year-old boy took a big bite out of a hot dog in Turkey, he didn't choke on it—but he still almost died. That's because, as tests following his resuscitation from cardiac arrest revealed, he has a rare genetic condition known as Brugada syndrome, which impairs...

Science Provides Yet Another Reason to Eat Chocolate

New study finds lower rates of atrial fibrillation in regular chocolate eaters

(Newser) - Willy Wonka may have been on to something. Regularly eating chocolate could possibly help prevent a type of irregular heartbeat that can increase the risk of heart failure, strokes, and cognitive impairment, according to a study published Tuesday in Heart . Live Science reports between 2.7 million and 6.1...

Beer Isn't Wrecking Just Your Liver—It's Bad for Your Heart

The cardiac arrhythmias seem to be mostly benign, but some are more worrying

(Newser) - Armed with hand-held breathalyzers and EKGs, German scientists put in a hard month's work at Munich's Oktoberfest as they mingled with thousands of men and women who were "under the stress of alcohol," to use the scientific term. Now they're reporting in the European Heart ...

Heartbreak Doesn't Just Hurt the Heart Emotionally

Loss of a partner boosts risk of atrial fibrillation by 41%

(Newser) - Yes, it is possible to die from a broken heart. Scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark say the loss of a partner boosts a person's risk of an irregular heartbeat—itself a risk factor for stroke, heart failure, and death—by 41%. The researchers, who reviewed medical data from...

Heart Arrhythmia May Have Influenced Beethoven Music

Scientists speculate he may have tapped into his heartbeat as he lost his hearing

(Newser) - As Beethoven went deaf, he may have started listening to his heart. In a new study published in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine , a cardiologist, an internal medical specialist, and a musicologist point out that three of the German composer's works exhibit "rhythmic shifts and punctuations" that weren'...

Williams' Heart Surgery a Success: Docs

(Newser) - Surgery last week on actor Robin Williams’ heart “went extremely well,” doctors said today. The 3½-hour procedure corrected an irregular rhythm and replaced a valve, People reports. “A couple hours after surgery, he was entertaining the medical team and making us all laugh,” said the...

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