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Generation Shaped by 9/11 Shares Its Stories

Attacks ended 'carefree innocence' for many kids approaching adolescence

(Newser) - The September 11 attacks are as defining a moment for the generation starting college this year as the Kennedy assassination was for their parents, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. For people young enough to still be children at the time but old enough to know what was...

Obama Speech Didn't Turn My Kids Into Commies

School budget cuts more of a worry than socialist indoctrination

(Newser) - Despite the worst fears of some right-wingers, President Obama's back-to-school speech yesterday didn't turn Mary Elizabeth Williams' two daughters into "commie zombies," she writes in Salon. Her 5-year-old decided the speech was boring and left the room in a huff, while the 9-year-old decided to "work extra...

Laura Bush: Obama Doing a Good Job

Former first lady addresses school speech controvery in CNN interview

(Newser) - President Obama's doing a good job, Laura Bush tells CNN during a wide-ranging chat yesterday about life after the White House. "I think he has got a lot on his plate, and he has tackled a lot to start with," she said, "and that has probably...

Obama Speech: Handwashing, Not Brainwashing

(Newser) - The eagerly anticipated speech President Obama will deliver to the nation's schoolchildren tomorrow contains none of the socialist indoctrination conservatives had apparently feared, Politico reports. Rather, an advance text indicates, he urges kids to work hard, not expect to get something for nothing, and "wash your hands a lot,...

Opposition to School Speech 'Silly': Gibbs

Obama press secretary also hints at possible racially-driven censorship

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs fired back today at critics of President Obama's planned address to school children, calling it "a little bit of the silly season," the Hill reports. Noting that that Ronald Reagan and the elder President Bush both made school addresses, he painted Obama's critics as censors,...

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

Swine Flu: France Boots 'Disease- Ridden' British Kids

(Newser) - More than two dozen British schoolchildren on a school holiday were booted out of France after some came down with swine flu—but not before they were quarantined by medics in anti-contamination suits and insulted by locals. "It was as if we were dangerous criminals," said one of...

Ditch 'i Before e Except After c' Rule: Brits

Ditty 'not worth teaching,' government says

(Newser) - Generations of frustrated schoolchildren have grumbled that “i before e except after c” isn’t worth learning because of numerous exceptions. Now the British government agrees, the BBC reports. In a document sent to 13,000 primary schools, officials say the ditty “is not worth teaching” because it’...

Kids to AIG: 'Not All of USA Hates You'

(Newser) - It seems fourth-graders have a greater store of empathy than the rest of this crisis-wracked nation. When a Houston teacher asked students how they felt about the AIG bonus scandal, it provoked the usual boos and hisses. But when she put the kids in an AIG employee’s shoes, they...

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